Trump wins, SCOTUS: Partial immunity.

Trump wins, SCOTUS: Partial immunity.


Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
1 edit

So they let it be delayed again so the actual court case won't happen till after the election in November so they once again show just how biased the supposedly unbiased SCOTUS is supposed to be, 5-3 with dissenting opinions.
Trump has and I quote, 'Presumptive' immunity for official acts and any evidence in the Jan 6 case cannot be included in evidence.
So Trump wins yet again, just proving how politically bent the whole political system is in favor of Trump which they will mightily regret if he gets in office again.

What, no Magites dancing in the streets?

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04

No Magites not jumping up and down in joy?



22 Apr 05
1 edit

“The President enjoys no immunity for his unofficial acts, and not everything the President does is official. The President is not above the law,” Roberts also wrote.

So we will see what constitutes an "official" act...

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04

The point is Trump wins BECAUSE of that clause, they are sending it back to the lower courts to hash that one out which is exactly what trump wanted, DELAY, MORE DELAY insuring no trial before election time so if he wins it all magically goes away.
Of COURSE they could not just grant unrestricted forever immunity because that would allow the same for ANY Dem POTUS and they would not want that EVER so they came out with a half ass immunity vote.


20 Oct 06
1 edit

@Ponderable said
“The President enjoys no immunity for his unofficial acts, and not everything the President does is official. The President is not above the law,” Roberts also wrote.

So we will see what constitutes an "official" act...
One would think they would define it in their ruling, no? As is normal for this court they seem to want to muddy the water not clarify.

it seems like it would be considered pretty "official" if Bidens ordering seal team six to take out SCOTUS justices. Right?

The liberal justices correctly point out that official vs unofficial is so squishy that it wouldn't serve as any deterrent for a sitting president to commit violent crimes against political opponents.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
2 edits

Two takeaways, one, POTUS is TOTALLY immune from 'official' acts while in office and two, they muddied it up enough to give the rest back to lower courts which is their way of saying we hope he wins so all his fed charges go away because there will be NO trial till November which is EXACTLY what Trump wants so if he wins, can we all guess what happens to all those charges?
Even the Georgia trial is up for grabs now that the Georgia legislators are dead bent on killing that trial also.
So we are left with the convictions already done, defamation, several versions of fraud and 34 felony counts of cover ups.

Since Magites think Trump IS immune none of the already adjudicated verdicts mean jack to them since they were ALL corrupt judges, DOJ, Jurists and the like.


20 Oct 06
1 edit

@sonhouse said
Two takeaways, one, POTUS is TOTALLY immune from 'official' acts while in office and two, they muddied it up enough to give the rest back to lower courts which is their way of saying we hope he wins so all his fed charges go away because there will be NO trial till November which is EXACTLY what Trump wants so if he wins, can we all guess what happens to all thos ...[text shortened]... djudicated verdicts mean jack to them since they were ALL corrupt judges, DOJ, Jurists and the like.
Could Bidens doj arrest trump right now, pass an EO restricting felons from seeking the presidency?

"In every use of official power, the president is now a king above the law."


Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
3 edits

That is a distinct possibility and if Trump is elected again it is not hard to imagine what this ruling will allow him to do next time.

This ruling is pretty much exactly what was predicted by political experts since they could not go full bore immunity since that WOULD give Biden IMMEDIATE total immunity and THAT they could not abide, since it would be that kind of power in a cursed DEMOCRAT but just FINE for any repub POTUS so they had to make it LOOK like it was a moderate ruling.

Here is an analysis from Politico:

They point out some bad consequences now coming up. AI oversight out the window now as just one takeaway since it will now be up to congress to spell out and we all know how effective congress is at ANYTHING.


20 Oct 06

@sonhouse said
That is a distinct possibility and if Trump is elected again it is not hard to imagine what this ruling will allow him to do next time.

This ruling is pretty much exactly what was predicted by political experts since they could not go full bore immunity since that WOULD give Biden IMMEDIATE total immunity and THAT they could not abide, since it would be that k ...[text shortened]... ce it will now be up to congress to spell out and we all know how effective congress is at ANYTHING.
There's time for Biden to go down swinging. Maybe we end up with that libertarian government wajoma has dreamed of, free from a pesky judiciary branch altogether.

Lake Como

27 Jul 10

@sonhouse said
So they let it be delayed again so the actual court case won't happen till after the election in November so they once again show just how biased the supposedly unbiased SCOTUS is supposed to be, 5-3 with dissenting opinions.
Trump has and I quote, 'Presumptive' immunity for official acts and any evidence in the Jan 6 case cannot be included in evidence.
So Trump wins yet ...[text shortened]... ch they will mightily regret if he gets in office again.

What, no Magites dancing in the streets?
We already know him to be a winner. Celebrations happen when there is an outcome that one is not sure of. We know Trump to be a winner (you do too) so it was just all-in-a-day of Trump. I can't WAIT till he is in office.

As to dancing in the streets, that is not part of the conservative process. Why, what if we get all our posters and masks and bullhorn and paid protesters set to go, and the liberals form a group and interrupt our celebration!!?!???
And I have never been in a street.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04

Sure, if and when he actually gets into office SCOTUS has just made it official there is NOTHING outside his powers as POTUS to LITERALLY kill anyone he wants just like Putin or use his pet AG to attack ANY media person he doesn't like and who criticizes anything he says or does. THAT is what today's ruling means.
And he will do that the next day he is in office if that horrible day for America actually happens.
This ruling gives him free reign to do anything he wants when he is POTUS.
A LOT more power than any other president in American history.
The founding fathers would be puking in their graves if they knew this POS ruling, further hastening the fall of the US as a superpower.
No ally country will be able to count on us for ANYTHING if our resident THUG gets reelected.
You don't CARE Trump lies out his ass because he thinks its FUN. Just ask his niece who told one harrowing tale of him pulling a disgusting lie on her right in front of her bestie. He ENJOYS lying. It gets him off. And he doesn't care if we KNOW he is lying, because he thinks because he has a large base of his low IQ citizens, which is EXACTLY what he wants, he gets away with it because the stupid legislators are scared shytless of getting the orange wenie from him.

Lake Como

27 Jul 10

@sonhouse said
Sure, if and when he actually gets into office SCOTUS has just made it official there is NOTHING outside his powers as POTUS to LITERALLY kill anyone he wants just like Putin or use his pet AG to attack ANY media person he doesn't like and who criticizes anything he says or does. THAT is what today's ruling means.
And he will do that the next day he is in offi ...[text shortened]... way with it because the stupid legislators are scared shytless of getting the orange wenie from him.
Your stuff makes me dizzy, but i ask you this....Biden pulled many dictates. The one I hate most, more than the pipe line closure, is ruining our country with money handouts, you know what I am talking about.
Tell us, little feller....SCOTUS said Pres does not have power to pay the loans off. He gave them the finger and is doing it, now. He dictated..."So It Shall Be Written, So It Shall Be Done!!!" Like the Egyptian pharoes. He is thus a dictator.

YOu will not answer this question.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04

And you know full well the student loan program does NOT pay them off, it takes some of it away, maybe 20% or so. So once again kiss my smelly ass and I hope it tastes good when you do.

Lake Como

27 Jul 10

If Scotus told Trump to not pay the loans off and he did anyway, what would all of he sniveling and kvetching liberals say about that? What would they say if Trump violated the Constitution? Or maybe you are like Sueanan and Shav who think that the Constitution is worthless in these days and times?
You can tell me, SHouse. We are friends.

Edit: Trump just said 'TIme to Call of the Dogs!" Does that remind you how I consider every one of you libs to be hyenas. Did you see today where AOC wants to impeach the conservative Scotus judges? Why?


Sewers of Holland

31 Jan 04
1 edit

@sonhouse said
So they let it be delayed again so the actual court case won't happen till after the election in November so they once again show just how biased the supposedly unbiased SCOTUS is supposed to be, 5-3 with dissenting opinions.
Trump has and I quote, 'Presumptive' immunity for official acts and any evidence in the Jan 6 case cannot be included in evidence.
So Trump wins yet ...[text shortened]... ch they will mightily regret if he gets in office again.

What, no Magites dancing in the streets?
It’s a completely insane ruling in a democratic system.

Basically, authoritarian rule.

Biden can now “officially” sanction the extermination of trump and not be persecuted for it.

Who the fvck thinks up this sort of garbage?

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