Originally posted by der schwarze RitterWas Nazi Germany "an excellent place to be a Jew"? That what's Britain is according to your article.
Anti-Semitic attacks reached record levels in Britain last year and peaked during the conflict in Lebanon, a study has shown. Is Great Britain the new Nazi Germany? Discuss:
Originally posted by der schwarze RitterNo the press and gov. in Germany encouraged anti semitic attacks.
Anti-Semitic attacks reached record levels in Britain last year and peaked during the conflict in Lebanon, a study has shown. Is Great Britain the new Nazi Germany? Discuss:
Here the press and Gov. are too busy encouraging anti muslim paranoia.
I think the jewish community is generally highly regarded in Britain.
The rise in anti-Israeli feeling is a different matter.
Originally posted by petrosianpupilIs it all that paranoid if they have already done the splodeydope thing?
No the press and gov. in Germany encouraged anti semitic attacks.
Here the press and Gov. are too busy encouraging anti muslim paranoia.
I think the jewish community is generally highly regarded in Britain.
The rise in anti-Israeli feeling is a different matter.
And didn't I just read that a group was arrested that was planning on kidnapping a soldier?
And the broken up jetliner thing etc?
I'm not saying that there isn't paranoid people out there, I'm just saying there is cause for concern, so maybe the government isn't paranoid.
Originally posted by der schwarze Ritter"This is certainly not comparable with the 1930s or anything remotely like that." Answers your daft question.
Anti-Semitic attacks reached record levels in Britain last year and peaked during the conflict in Lebanon, a study has shown. Is Great Britain the new Nazi Germany? Discuss:
Anti-semitism is a global problem. All forms of racism are, and anti-semitism should be dealt with as a form of racism.
I think there's likely to be a misleading element to the stats here though, as the police have only been recording whether attacks are considered racist for a few years. So, to claim that attacks have 'reached record levels' is disingenious, to say the least. We're only really talking about records being maintained for less than a decade or so.
To extrapolate this to the 1930's is just a reflection of DSR's apparent extra-terrestrial origins.
Perhaps a more useful question might be: What can we do to reduce racist attacks?
Originally posted by Redmikewhy has there been such a terrible history of anti-semitism, what do people think?
"This is certainly not comparable with the 1930s or anything remotely like that." Answers your daft question.
Anti-semitism is a global problem. All forms of racism are, and anti-semitism should be dealt with as a form of racism.
I think there's likely to be a misleading element to the stats here though, as the police have only been recording whether a ...[text shortened]... ns.
Perhaps a more useful question might be: What can we do to reduce racist attacks?
People think Jews are rich. Some people see wealth as evil. It's no secret that anti-capatalism is not exactly on the down low in Europe. With their proximity to the Soviet Unioin, that's not much of a surprise.
When combined with this a zealous hate of prosperity, It should be no surprise that attacks on Jews in Britain would be up around the same time extremist Muslim Imams are on the rise in Britain.
Combine this with the fact that old Europe has been trying to send the Jews down the memory since before Hitler.... Just because they don't have the stomach for extermination anymore, doesn't mean they would be bothered if the Jews got airbrushed out of the picture of European society. I suspect Shav and Mike could confirm that last part.
Anti-semitic attitudes in Europe works to Israel and Americas favor and Europes detriment. The net result will be that some of the Jews that can afford too - because they're skilled - will leave Europe and go to one of two likely countries, Israel or America. Israel and America will get educated and skilled people from Europe, and Europe will get nothing in return.
Persecutions of people throughout the world has been the key to Americas success. The "tired, weak and hungry" bit is a load of crap. The people we get from the rest of the world are - for the most part - the able, skilled and driven, not the tired and weak. Britains can embrace the Muslims all they want, we are going to enjoy absorbing their hard working Jews while watching their Imams incite violence. Israel certainly will not object to skilled Jews either.
Trying to send to the Jews - or any other group - down the memory hole will only help old Europe beat the Jews to history.
Originally posted by eamon oEurope has given us so much recently: xenophobia, communism, socialism, welfare statism, psychiatry, two world wars, nihlism, the United Nations, anti-Americanism, etc. -- why should we be surprised that it is again a hotbed of anti-Semitism?
why has there been such a terrible history of anti-semitism, what do people think?
Originally posted by der schwarze RitterWhat was old is new again.
Europe has given us so much recently: xenophobia, communism, socialism, welfare statism, psychiatry, two world wars, nihlism, the United Nations, anti-Americanism, etc. -- why should we be surprised that it is again a hotbed of anti-Semitism?
Originally posted by der schwarze RitterAnti-semitism?
Europe has given us so much recently: xenophobia, communism, socialism, welfare statism, psychiatry, two world wars, nihlism, the United Nations, anti-Americanism, etc. -- why should we be surprised that it is again a hotbed of anti-Semitism?
I presume you mean anti-Judism (as Palestinians are also semitic)?
You very much misjudge Europe dude.
The anti-semtitism that is has always been. It's not grown worse towards Jews. It has, however, become very anti-Islamic at present.
A lot of what you think is anti-semitism is critisism from the left on Israel's policies. That's political, nothing to do with people's religon or race.
In fact, many of the people in Europe opposing the Israeli government's treatment of Palestinians are exactly the same people who fight the anti-semites on the streets of the major cities.
Originally posted by MerkDon't you people ever get tired of repeating this bigoted swill? Gee, the US would sure be better off with those "hard working" Jews rather than those filthy Muslims!🙄🙄
People think Jews are rich. Some people see wealth as evil. It's no secret that anti-capatalism is not exactly on the down low in Europe. With their proximity to the Soviet Unioin, that's not much of a surprise.
When combined with this a zealous hate of prosperity, It should be no surprise that attacks on Jews in Britain would be up around the same time ext ny other group - down the memory hole will only help old Europe beat the Jews to history.
EDIT: There seems to be rising anti-Semitism in the US as well (at least as of 2004). http://www.csmonitor.com/2004/0915/p03s01-ussc.html
Originally posted by no1marauderThere's nothing bigoted about it. The U.S. is better off for hard skilled, hard working imigrants. In this case, Jews.
Don't you people ever get tired of repeating this bigoted swill? Gee, the US would sure be better off with those "hard working" Jews rather than those filthy Muslims!🙄🙄
All I said is that it should not surpise anyone if attacks on Jews are on the rise around the same time extremists Imam preachings are on the rise.
Originally posted by MerkAs compared to worthless Muslims. Bigot.
There's nothing bigoted about it. The U.S. is better off for hard skilled, hard working imigrants. In this case, Jews.
All I said is that it should not surpise anyone if attacks on Jews are on the rise around the same time extremists Imam preachings are on the rise.
Merk: Britains can embrace the Muslims all they want, we are going to enjoy absorbing their hard working Jews while watching their Imams incite violence.