19 Jul 20
@uglytoproll saidMaybe people just don’t like the absurd racism, hate and stupidity you spout?
Jesus you leftist clowns will ruin this site.
Perhaps the things you write are okay within your own bubble, but on an international forum are very, very dubious?
A lot of what you Americans whine on about on this forum is so brain-numbingly retarded, low-brow and basically completely void of any connection with reality, that it’s even hard to imagine you’re not joking.
Flag worship, hand on the heart patriotism, leftists, alt-right, actually thinking trump is anything but a narcissistic freak show, etc.
All matters and concepts that boggle the minds of non-Americans.
Incels, flat-earthers, pizza gates... you name it. It’s all BS. It’s like watching a horror comedy unfold. And then the things you lot say about coloured people, Chinese people, everything is so absurdly polarized, it is complete madness.
MAGA hats. Really? Really???
Do you even comprehend how silly that looks? The mere thought!
Pro-lifers, the death penalty, the love of guns, mass shootings, ordinary folk opposed to a comprehensive healthcare system, the list is bloody endless.
Even your democrat party is right-wing compared to most mainstream European parties (with the notable exception of the English tory party).
Angela Merkel and Macron are European right-wingers!
What I’m saying is that you have to step out of your bubble and realise that the US is not the standard for opinions. Whether moral or political, your views are, quite generally, extremist, on an international forum.