Trump WAS convicted of rape and is paying 5 MILLION in defamation as of right now but could not keep his orange mouth shut and defamed her ten minutes after the trial ended, leading to yet another defamation case which may run the fine up to TEN million, of course adding to the 25 MILLION already charged him for his fraudulent Trump university and Trump charity.
I guess you want us to forget about THAT grift.
If Clinton is convicted of rape he may go to prison which he would deserve but when Trump says he can grab em by the usseypay, haha, just locker room talk, except it was on a bus not in a locker room.
@sonhouse saidSonhouse, circa2019
Trump WAS convicted of rape and is paying 5 MILLION in defamation as of right now but could not keep his orange mouth shut and defamed her ten minutes after the trial ended, leading to yet another defamation case which may run the fine up to TEN million, of course adding to the 25 MILLION already charged him for his fraudulent Trump university and Trump charity ...[text shortened]... n grab em by the usseypay, haha, just locker room talk, except it was on a bus not in a locker room.
Grift? I thought we were on prostitution at the moment. I don’t think Trump did 19 yr olds like Monica. In the Oval.
Sorry, Clinton much sleazier. Was at Epstein teenage brothel on a jet with other mongers about 30 times.
You like him but not Clinton? Which would be more likely to go to church with? Grifter or teen sex monger? It’s ok if u don’t want to answer.
Like I said, you want ALL of us to forget Trump was fined 25 MILLION for TWO separate grifts, Trump uni and trump so called charity, PROVEN IN COURT TO BE FRAUDS but I guess because it is Trump, he can do no wrong in your Trumpite religion.
@averagejoe1 saidClinton doesn’t do that and then suck up to the evangelical Christian’s and and them control of women’s reproduction rights
Why do you not like Trump? Sonhouse said something today about prostitutes. Do you hate Bill Cinton? We are so confused
Will you catch the wrong train again in November??
The evangelicals need to have their idolatry and hypocrisy shoved in their stinking faces at every opportunity.
Oh yeah Clinton isn’t running for the Whitehorse but the whore mongering their called Trump is 🙄
@kevcvs57 saidKev and Sonhouse…………………..then why did so many many many people vote for Trump?
Clinton doesn’t do that and then suck up to the evangelical Christian’s and and them control of women’s reproduction rights
The evangelicals need to have their idolatry and hypocrisy shoved in their stinking faces at every opportunity.
Oh yeah Clinton isn’t running for the Whitehorse but the whore mongering their called Trump is 🙄
@averagejoe1 saidBecause they really hate the people and things trump PRETENDS to hate. They used to call themselves the Tea Party ( a reaction to a black man becoming president ) but then the grifter trump saw them as his ticket to the power and riches he has always craved and hitched his 💩 wagon to their deplorable horse.
Kev and Sonhouse…………………..then why did so many many many people vote for Trump?
Whatever happens in November the US is lost to this toxic political environment, the rest of the civilised democratic world will just view it as unstable at best and a far right dictatorship at worst.
@averagejoe1 saidWhy do you think more people voted for Biden?
Kev and Sonhouse…………………..then why did so many many many people vote for Trump?
@averagejoe1 saidIt's an issue of 'lowest common denominator'.
Kev and Sonhouse…………………..then why did so many many many people vote for Trump?
Including a whole panopoly of imagined grievances the lowest echelon of our society harbors against those at the top. Except that Billionaire Trump disguises himself as being "just like you" suffering under democrat rule. The rank and file poor white Republicans should be wary of grifters like Trump trying to screw them out of the little they do have, but they've all been conned into believing "he's fighting for us". Fortunately for Trump, they are also all dumber than dirt and they believe he's the white savior they've been waiting for.