Great! I'll commit a crime bad enough to deserve me 25 years in prison. Since you don't want to lock me up and would rather give me the money it would cost to keep me behind bars for 25 years then ...
25 years X $20,000 dollars per year to keep me locked up =
Half a million dollars!
Who says crime never pays!
Originally posted by GreatSantiniSad thing is that Brother Edwin's daffy idea makes about as much sence as some of the laws that get passed by our US Senate every year.
Excellent suggestion, turtle, let's all commit crimes and get paid off instead of going to jail, then we'll all be freeeeeeeee.
The logic of brother edwin strikes again. What a class act he is.
Originally posted by Brother EdwinThis is what happens now, it's called welfare. The thing is, all these people we pay supposedly so they wont resort to crime are the ones featuring very highly in crime stats anyway.
Rather than spending however many hundred pounds/dollars on keeping a criminal in prison, just give them the money and tell them to do something useful with it.
Originally posted by Brother Edwinsounds like a nice idea at first. the prisons in the uk are all full up. we need more imaginitive ways of deterring crime. a criminal should be made to repay anything stolen, no matter how long it takes? only those who are a real danger to the public should be locked up?
Rather than spending however many hundred pounds/dollars on keeping a criminal in prison, just give them the money and tell them to do something useful with it.
death should be an alternative choice for those on long sentences?
chemical castration should be the punishment for repeat sax offenders? do you reckon it would work?
Originally posted by Brother EdwinGet rid of money and property. Legalise drugs and prostitution. Stop invading third world countries.
Rather than spending however many hundred pounds/dollars on keeping a criminal in prison, just give them the money and tell them to do something useful with it.
There you go. 99.8% of crime solved.
You can nominate me for the nobel prize any time you like!
Originally posted by shavixmirDamn Brother Edwin and GShavixmir, guy two wise men sure got this whole life thing figured out. You guys should run for pollitical office I'm sure there's enough idiots in the population that would vote for you guys.
Get rid of money and property. Legalise drugs and prostitution. Stop invading third world countries.
There you go. 99.8% of crime solved.
You can nominate me for the nobel prize any time you like!