Originally posted by e4chrisLegal weed is a trend in the western US. Arizona, Colorado and Oregon (and maybe others I'm not thinking of) have also legalized marijuana to one extent or another.
OK its an old story now, but what do you make of it? I was so pleased when i heard could not believe it.
Will this spread? or is washington unusually liberal in the US?
Originally posted by sh76I didn't know about Arizona, are they heading towards having coffee shops? openly legal? as opposed to you being technically allowed to grow it, like spain?
Legal weed is a trend in the western US. Arizona, Colorado and Oregon (and maybe others I'm not thinking of) have also legalized marijuana to one extent or another.
Originally posted by sh76Michigan passed a Medical marijuana law, which has holes big enough in it to drive a semi full of chronic. Last November, by ballot initiative, the city of Detroit gave a green light to recreational marijuana, eliminating all penalties for use of possession of small quantities, I think under and ounce.
Legal weed is a trend in the western US. Arizona, Colorado and Oregon (and maybe others I'm not thinking of) have also legalized marijuana to one extent or another.
Originally posted by KazetNagorraI hear they have changed the laws with tourists, but i don't believe it.
Cannabis is not legal in the Netherlands.
Its cool that America is leading the way now, I know medical cannabis is quite widespread, but there is a gap between that and legalising personal use, Is California moving towards that now, is one following the other?
In the UK the conservatives muted at the election that they might let local councils decide, I think they knew they could not afford to catagorically say no, but have said nothing since. I was looking up supermarkets and sainsburys turnover is £21 billion, I'm not sure weed is worth quite that (it could be) but it is like loosing a supermarkets worth of money to the economy.
Cannabis was never legal in the Netherlands. Stopping tourists from purchasing weed was a proposal of the previous government, which fell. From what I understand the new plan is to leave it up to city councils whether they want to stop tourists from buying weed. Cities like Amsterdam have already said they will not do so.
Originally posted by KazetNagorraI thought that was an urban myth! so you can still go to amsterdam and buy weed, even tho its not legal offcourse
Cannabis was never legal in the Netherlands. Stopping tourists from purchasing weed was a proposal of the previous government, which fell. From what I understand the new plan is to leave it up to city councils whether they want to stop tourists from buying weed. Cities like Amsterdam have already said they will not do so.
Originally posted by e4chrisYeah. But you have to do some research if you want to buy weed outside of the main cities. Especially in religious areas, city councils often do not allow coffee shops.
I thought that was an urban myth! so you can still go to amsterdam and buy weed, even tho its not legal offcourse
California in the city has collectives where you can buy marijuana and often lounges where you can smoke it. You can often smoke a joint openly on the street. Collectives are everywhere but you need a formal written recommendation from an MD which are easy to get. Many doctors do that as their primary business and advertise openly on billboards.