What if America's Federal Government became 100% GOP/Republican? Please answer yes or no to the following questions to determine if a mainstream, GOP government would benefit Americans and America's traditional values:
1) Would we see a completely sealed and protected southern border? YES or NO
2) Would abortion be banned? YES or NO
3) Would we cancel our Global Trade Treaties and put America's economy first? YES or NO
4) Would the question of legalized "gay marriage" be answered with a big, fat NO once and for all? YES or NO
5) Would we stop doing the bidding of the United Nations and Israel? YES or NO
6) Would we see a reduction in the Welfare State? YES or NO
7) Would open Bible reading and prayer be "legalized" in public schools? YES or NO
8) Would we see incentives given to businesses to produce and thrive in the USA? YES or NO
9) Would we cease to be the world's Police Officers and start respecting the sovereignty of other, independent nations? YES or NO
10) Would we cease caving in to pressure from liberal institutions like the ACLU or Labor Unions? YES or NO
11) Would illegal aliens remain ILLEGAL and be deported to their respective nations? YES or NO
12) Would a completely GOP government be much different that our current DEM government? YES or NO
If 10 or more of the above questions were generally answered "YES" then there may be hope for the USA under GOP leadership!!
Originally posted by whodeyIsn't the two party system of countervailing points of view recognized as fundamental to our federal mode of governance?
What if America's Federal Government became 100% GOP/Republican? Please answer yes or no to the following questions to determine if a mainstream, GOP government would benefit Americans and America's traditional values:
1) Would we see a completely sealed and protected southern border? YES or NO
2) Would abortion be banned? YES or NO
3) Would we cancel ...[text shortened]... uestions were generally answered "YES" then there may be hope for the USA under GOP leadership!!
Originally posted by Grampy BobbyThe two party system is vital in order to give the illusion of choice and democracy.
Isn't the two party system of countervailing points of view recognized as fundamental to our federal mode of governance?
For example, the left complains about wars abroad, but when in power they continue them, while the right complains about entitlements and government largeness, but when in power they contribute to it.
Essentially we have the freedom to vote for empty suit demagogues who will all do the same things.
Originally posted by bill718Bush enacted one of the largest entitlements in US history with the Drugs for Seniors program. In fact, conservatives hail Reagan as their conservative role model even though he increased the size and scope of government. In fact, Dick Cheney joked that Reagan proved that deficits no longer matter.
I would agree, except for #12. Conservatives and Liberals have very different ideas on the roll of government in peoples lives. I think you would notice a big difference.
Want another example? Bush passed the Patriot Act and then Obama passed the NDAA. There is no difference.
Originally posted by whodeyWould you agree that excesses and corruption are one thing but that a one party federal government here is quite another?
The two party system is vital in order to give the illusion of choice and democracy.
For example, the left complains about wars abroad, but when in power they continue them, while the right complains about entitlements and government largeness, but when in power they contribute to it.
Essentially we have the freedom to vote for empty suit demagogues who will all do the same things.
Originally posted by Grampy BobbyNo, the federal government needs to be gutted.
Past few years, effectively yes. Short term solution? An informed populace? A people ultimately get what they deserve.
States need to rise up and amend the Constitution and limit Congressional terms, force balanced budgets etc. States need to reclaim their rights under the Constitution and return to Federalism.
Originally posted by whodeyI liked the combination of the questions 3) and 8).
What if America's Federal Government became 100% GOP/Republican? Please answer yes or no to the following questions to determine if a mainstream, GOP government would benefit Americans and America's traditional values:
1) Would we see a completely sealed and protected southern border? YES or NO
2) Would abortion be banned? YES or NO
3) Would we cancel ...[text shortened]... uestions were generally answered "YES" then there may be hope for the USA under GOP leadership!!
Originally posted by whodeyyou're talking about sane republicans (how many of those are left) or tea party people?
What if America's Federal Government became 100% GOP/Republican? Please answer yes or no to the following questions to determine if a mainstream, GOP government would benefit Americans and America's traditional values:
1) Would we see a completely sealed and protected southern border? YES or NO
2) Would abortion be banned? YES or NO
3) Would we cancel ...[text shortened]... uestions were generally answered "YES" then there may be hope for the USA under GOP leadership!!
or are you talking about fictional theoretical republicans? those are awesome. in that case i would like to have them work with fictional theoretical democrats and have them magically get along. what a fictional theoretical america they would make, brings a magical theoretical tear to my eye
Originally posted by ZahlanziI'm merely pointing out that the agenda's of the GOP are not much different than the DNC.
you're talking about sane republicans (how many of those are left) or tea party people?
or are you talking about fictional theoretical republicans? those are awesome. in that case i would like to have them work with fictional theoretical democrats and have them magically get along. what a fictional theoretical america they would make, brings a magical theoretical tear to my eye
Much of what the GOP sells us to get elected is pure BS, much like Obama lying about ending wars and "fixing" health care so it's cheaper and so we don't have to give up our old health care.
Both party's depend on lying to the American public to force their agenda's through, and they take it hook, line, and sinker every time.
As for myself, I've stopped listening to anything they have to say. Instead, I look at what both party's have done instead of the carrots they dangle in front of our collective faces.
As a result, I have no hope of change if the GOP takes over. The only question becomes, will the public feel like they need to vote GOP for hope and change, or will they finally understand its the system and not the party?