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What is the Bbarr-Cribs gang doing ?

What is the Bbarr-Cribs gang doing ?


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Just to keep everybody informed about the Bbarr-No1-Cribs gang actions and how much fun they're having.

Please visit the gang's home Forum Wars (What's in a name ?):


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Originally posted by ivanhoe

Just to keep everybody informed about the Bbarr-No1-Cribs gang actions and how much fun they're having.

Please visit the gang's home Forum Wars (What's in a name ?):


Welcome back, Ivanhoe. This Wolfpack of Death thing sounds fun; can I join? 😉

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Originally posted by ivanhoe
Just to keep everybody informed about the Bbarr-No1-Cribs gang actions and how much fun they're having.
I resent bbarr's name's going first.

It should be Cribs-#1-Bbarr (with gimp)-Nemesio-Kirksey gang.

Please get your facts straight.


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Originally posted by nemesio
I resent bbarr's name's going first.

It should be Cribs-#1-Bbarr (with gimp)-Nemesio-Kirksey gang.

Please get your facts straight.

YESSSSS! I've been promoted to no1 lackey! Not bad for traitorous, scummy, brown trash! And Cribs appreciates the plug, Ivanhoe; why with your advertising he might start charging 20 bucks a throw to join up! See ya there' Buddy!

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Ivanhoe, where am I :'(?

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Originally posted by ivanhoe

Just to keep everybody informed about the Bbarr-No1-Cribs gang actions and how much fun they're having.

Please visit the gang's home Forum Wars (What's in a name ?):



I've assumed that you got a forum ban for your actions (be nice if someone would clear that up). However I haven't ruled out the possiblity that you chose to "cool off" for a few days (I judge that to be just barely within your abilities).

Either way, I have to wonder at the wisdom of continuing where you left off...

No apology (it doesn't have to be at the people you hurled abuse at...).

No sign of remorse.

No change in attitude.

Several people asked cribs and the FOS crowd what they hoped to acheive by relentlessly pursuing the issue. The point being cribs had next to no hope of getting re-instated.

What are you really hoping to acheive by pursuing this issue ivan?

You're not going to get people banned for their actions on another site, if russ did so it would be legally actionable... You're not going to change anybody's opinion on either side, those are fully entrenched now (not least due to your actions). At worst you're going to upset people all over again and get yourself banned.

There are many people who would disheartened to see you go (myself included), practice some self-restraint this time, please?


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Originally posted by royalchicken
Ivanhoe, where am I :'(?
I mentioned you by title 😀😏😵😏😀

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Originally posted by royalchicken
Ivanhoe, where am I :'(?
Don't worry , my little buddy, about being left off the list. Many synapses were obliterated the other night.

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If you all could switch to 10% less aggressiveness (without giving in on your position), perhaps this engine could survive without another explosion. And we could enjoy the debate rather than having to 'enjoy' another meaningless attack on other users (like 13-).

Just another (honest) opinion.

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Originally posted by ivanhoe

Just to keep everybody informed about the Bbarr-No1-Cribs gang actions and how much fun they're having.

Please visit the gang's home Forum Wars (What's in a name ?):
Ivanhoe, I really don't understand what you are trying to achieve.

B4 you posted this, I (and probably quite a few users) had no idea what the wolfpack/sheeppack thing was. Now I know every tiny detail, and I was also able to see your posts from the other night. To be honest, you are gaining nothing, but reigniting this wolfpack/sheeppack thing, and reintroducing it into RHP.

Now, I wake up this morning, and the debates forum is full of posts from you quoting from the other forum again. Please desist. I can't imagine what Russ must be thinking on seeing the result of the latest night of madness. I went into the debates forum this morning expecting to see some constructive debate on the state of the world, or the legality of the Iraq war, or something interesting, instead most of the first page is dominated by you, in your misguided battle against the wolfpack.

As far as I can see, the only thing you have achieved is putting into a well moderated forum a link to a not at all moderated forum, with the colourful language inherent in a non moderated forum. Thanks to you, I was able to follow your link and read the entirety of this other forum (if I had wished to), and the same must be said for any juniors who visit the debates forum. This cannot result in good for anybody. If the guys wish to use another forum for unmoderated discussions, then that is their own choice. As far as the name goes, what's in a name? (as u put it so well) You weren't afraid to visit RHP for fear of getting burnt? So far, I have not seen one of them advertising the URL of their forum, or trying to attack RHP as you claim. What I have seen over the past few days have been some quite enjoyable debates, about France and America, between yourself and No1 in particular. As far as I could see, No1 was presenting his point of view in well mannered fashion, and in no way would I class his behaviour as being detrimental to RHP.

Ivan, in all kindness, I recommend that you take a break from the forums for at least a week or two. Go for walks, be 1 with nature, enjoy your friends' company, anything to help you realise that the world doesn't revolve around RHP forums. I think it could have a great effect on both yourself and the forums (which obviously include all the readers/contributors).


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Originally posted by Ragnorak
Ivanhoe, I really don't understand what you are trying to achieve.

B4 you posted this, I (and probably quite a few users) had no idea what the wolfpack/sheeppack thing was. Now I know every tiny detail, and I was also able to see your posts from the other night. To be honest, you are gaining nothing, but reigniting this wolfpack/sheeppack thing, and r ...[text shortened]... ect on both yourself and the forums (which obviously include all the readers/contributors).

I can understand the anger someone can feel. But sometimes it's difficult to give that anger a positive and constructive twist.

And you are 100% right Ragnorak. a time-out is what is best. Just walk away from what's troubling you, give it time to settle and take a deep breath.

I really think the time is right for this.

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