21 Oct 20
@kmax87 saidI’ll give you very short odds on it not making a blind bit of difference whenever it surfaces.
.... that sometime before Nov 3 a pee pee tape surfaces?
Americans are way beyond that having an effect on their entrenched positions, perhaps if there was a new born on the bed, just perhaps.
21 Oct 20
@kevcvs57 saidKmax........ Do you people have any idea how serious all of this is? Do you know that you’re not voting for Joe Biden, who is a very nice person as you say? Are you aware of the plans of the radicals who already own him, made the bargain with him?
I’ll give you very short odds on it not making a blind bit of difference whenever it surfaces.
Americans are way beyond that having an effect on their entrenched positions, perhaps if there was a new born on the bed, just perhaps.
21 Oct 20
@joe-shmo saidI'm pretty sure he did not grab,wasnt speaking of an incident, but rather was saying in a jocular locker-room way that when a woman gets next to a very famous man, they 'let you'. Isn't that what he said? Is that a little different than your slanderous comment?
You mean the vice president ( digitizer of campaign workers -Tara Reade): The pussy grabber himself also likes to get peed on?
@averagejoe1 saidTHANK YOU !
Kmax........ Do you people have any idea how serious all of this is? Do you know that you’re not voting for Joe Biden, who is a very nice person as you say? Are you aware of the plans of the radicals who already own him, made the bargain with him?
Joe Biden is a puppet under control of dark forces, anyone that doesn't see that is stupid.
If elected he will do whatever he is told and cross his fingers hoping his past doesn't catch up to him.
(Looks like it already has, his China/Ukraine/Russia connections are out there despite the media hiding it)
@averagejoe1 saidRepublican fairy tales.
Kmax........ Do you people have any idea how serious all of this is? Do you know that you’re not voting for Joe Biden, who is a very nice person as you say? Are you aware of the plans of the radicals who already own him, made the bargain with him?
You guys can have all the fantasies you want to make yourselves feel better, but share them with us, and we WILL laugh at you for being so freaking gullible to believe the con man's hype.
Just so you know.
21 Oct 20
@averagejoe1 saidHa ha ha ha ha ha... We should put all you guys in a locked room and watch you cannibalize each other in your stupidity gravy.
I'm pretty sure he did not grab,wasnt speaking of an incident, but rather was saying in a jocular locker-room way that when a woman gets next to a very famous man, they 'let you'. Isn't that what he said? Is that a little different than your slanderous comment?
21 Oct 20
@dood111 saidIf you guys seriously think that the corruption in the Ukraine situation involved Biden, not Trump, we have a tasty reality sandwich just for you.
Joe Biden is a puppet under control of dark forces, anyone that doesn't see that is stupid.
If elected he will do whatever he is told and cross his fingers hoping his past doesn't catch up to him.
(Looks like it already has, his China/Ukraine/Russia connections are out there despite the media hiding it)
@cheesemaster saidSo... Not until 2029?
The FBI won't release anything until Biden is removed because of dementia and Harris steps in.
That's when you're going to find out about Biden and Hunter.
Good luck getting anyone to give even half a damn for your conspiracy theory by then.
@earl-of-trumps saidIsn't it funny that Trump was calling for an investigation of Biden and was impeached for it but Biden, the man who DID it gets to run for president?
Catch some reality, Suzie,
Donald Trump called for an investigation. He's clean. Biden is surely corrupt.
@dood111 saidOf course. Some old crap.
Isn't it funny that Trump was calling for an investigation of Biden and was impeached for it but Biden, the man who DID it gets to run for president?
If you expose a dem for crimes or misdeeds, YOU are the criminal.
And everyone feels sorry for the dem. Same old crap.