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What really is a troll?

What really is a troll?


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Pcaspian began a discussion that never really reached its fruition. I wish to begin that discussion again, now that things have calmed down.

From the http://curezone.com/forums/troll.asp
An Internet troll or Forum Troll is a person who posts outrageous message to bait people to answer. Forum Troll delights in sowing discord on the forums. A troll is someone who inspires flaming rhetoric, someone who is purposely provoking and pulling people into flaming discussion. Flaming discussions usually end with name calling and a flame war.

What are your feelings about this statement?


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Originally posted by nemesio
Pcaspian began a discussion that never really reached its fruition. I wish to begin that discussion again, now that things have calmed down.

From the http://curezone.com/forums/troll.asp
[b]An Internet troll or Forum Troll is a person who posts outrageous message to bait people to answer. Forum Troll delights in sowing discord on the forums. A tr ...[text shortened]... ame calling and a flame war.

What are your feelings about this statement?


Im feeling sleeeeeepy😴


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Originally posted by nemesio
Pcaspian began a discussion that never really reached its fruition. I wish to begin that discussion again, now that things have calmed down.

From the http://curezone.com/forums/troll.asp
[b]An Internet troll or Forum Troll is a person who posts outrageous message to bait people to answer. Forum Troll delights in sowing discord on the forums. A tr ...[text shortened]... ame calling and a flame war.

What are your feelings about this statement?


Thats me.

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Originally posted by nemesio
Pcaspian began a discussion that never really reached its fruition. I wish to begin that discussion again, now that things have calmed down.

From the http://curezone.com/forums/troll.asp
[b]An Internet troll or Forum Troll is a person who posts outrageous message to bait people to answer. Forum Troll delights in sowing discord on the forums. A tr ...[text shortened]... ame calling and a flame war.

What are your feelings about this statement?


A troll could also be some one who not only inspires it, but encourages it by gently moving people to be uncontented, by over exagerating the situation, offering comfort to motivate another person, or to manipulate that person or persons.


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Originally posted by rapalla7
A troll could also be some one who not only inspires it, but encourages it by gently moving people to be uncontented
How would a person distinguish between someone gently moving people to be uncontented and a person who is genuinely presenting a controversial view?


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Originally posted by nemesio
How would a person distinguish between someone gently moving people to be uncontented and a person who is genuinely presenting a controversial view?

I am a project manager for a mechanical contractor. In the work force we get the equivolent of trolls (we call them unemployed) every now and again. They usually start out as decent people, hard workers, easy to get along with......and then, trouble makers. Alot of times it is difficult to evaluate the one person behind all of the problems because they are not always the most vocal. They start out by befriending the guys on the crew, and after a while they will earn respect (which I have no problem with); until it becomes a problem with the forman on the job. This person usually has the carisma to lead, and truly thinks they can, and who knows, possible could?. They usually resent authority and feel they should be able to do what ever they want, whenever they want. This is a major problem. They will use thier carisma to bring in normal day to day problems at work that we all deal with and make a light comment to one of the people they are working with. Then with a little prodding they make light of it. It is a very slow process, I don't even know if they are doing it on purpose. This slowly grows over what may be months until it is eroding the authority of the forman. The forman on the job is to make the job run smoothly, and above all else make us money, when his authority is diminished the job does not run smoothly and at the worst does not make money.
The moral of the story is that people are very happy with what they have, usually; until this troll tells them they arent, or manipulates them to think that they are not (stemming from thier personal hatred for authority). It is hard to pick this person out because they are not always the most vocal, but they are the driving force behind the unrest, they are usually smarter than the ones sticking thier necks out, because they know that heads will roll. In my job I take carefull measures to find this person and get rid of them quickly; this does two things first it gives the others an example they can see, second it ensures once the anger is gone that the crew will get back to its level of effectivness.

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Originally posted by rapalla7
The moral of the story is that people are very happy with what they have, usually; until this troll tells them they arent, or manipulates them to think that they are not (stemming from thier personal hatred for authority). It is hard to pick this person out because they are not always the most vocal, but they are the driving force behind the unrest, they ...[text shortened]... nd it ensures once the anger is gone that the crew will get back to its level of effectivness.
You mean you just want people to be happy with what they have and not question authority? A person who compels people to think is a bad thing?

Have you read Brave New World?

If the authority is bad or flawed, they damn well better complain, and the 'non-thinkers' might actually realize that they are Delta Minuses or Episilon Pluses.

Sure, we could give out soma and hypnopaedic training to everyone at RHP, but every now and then there will be a 'John the Savage' to wake a few people up.

Expressing a controversial point of view and creating mental unrest is not trolling, it's thinking. Yelling epithets and insults is trolling.


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Rapalla7 is right: WE MUST OBEY. Besides that thinking for yourself will just give you a headache and in severe cases nosebleeds. We should only listen to what our betters tell us and stay away from anyone who might have any type of nonconformist views. That way it'll all be pleasant and we'll be good little boys and girls who might even get ice cream on Saturday night (YAY!)

In Samenessthereisstrengthship,

2BitLawyer - Lying, Hypocrite, Brown Trash

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Originally posted by nemesio
You mean you just want people to be happy with what they have and not question authority? A person who compels people to think is a bad thing?

Have you read Brave New World?

If the authority is bad or flawed, they damn well better complain, and the 'non-thinkers' might actually realize that they are Delta Minuses or Episilon Pluses.

Sure, we ...[text shortened]... al unrest is not trolling, it's thinking. Yelling epithets and insults is trolling.

You are missing my point.
I don't know what your angle is....Heavy moderation or No moderation, it really does not matter. Until things started (I wont go into detail) the moderation was very infrequent. I had been moderated a few times myself, I knew better when I posted. Ideas and expressing them was never shot down except...example: if a child molester came on and tried to be a character kidding around about the subject. This would be shut down....agreed? Now in the case you are talking about is someone making light of the exploitation of woman and making light of 'keeping them in line'. This is not a defendable position. Ask your mother. When he was modderated for offending any self respecting woman, I don't think it was uncalled for. This person in question could have just said 'no problem' and lived life just fine, but in thier mind they think and know they were just kidding, but in the minds of others thier retoric gave off the impression that it was not just ok, but mandatory to keep women in line. Not the correct message to give out to young impressionable minds, or worse yet unstable minds. You may disagree with me, but I will never agree with you. Ever. There has never been Ideas here that has been sensored, ever. Exept those that promote hate, abuse, and demoralization. If you want to have those things freely done here, I think you are in the wrong place. I am sure that you could find yourself a nice website where they talk candidly about training your children on how to please a john or get beaten with thier pimpstick elsware, but as for me....I will fight you tooth and nail.


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Why don't you just come out and demand that certain people would like thier own forum to promote the abuse of women and children and be done with it?


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Originally posted by Exy
Wake people up about [b]what ???

I think you're find that 98% of people are here to play chess not talk shit in the forums.[/b]
Exy's right. We should abolish the forums altogether as they just create a lot of unpleasantness. It would be pleasanter if we just played pleasant games of chess with other people. I would also abolish PM's and messaging your opponent during games; it might cause unpleasantness and this is a CHESS SITE; you're not allowed to talk during games at OTB tournaments and since there's always games going on here people talking in the Forums, by PM or by messaging their opponents are talking during games which is a serious breach of chess etiquette. So I support Exy's position 120%; shut everybody up permanently at RHP and it'll be as pleasant as a pretty, new graveyard.

In Uttersilenceship,

2BitLawyer - Lying, Hypocritical, Brown Trash

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Originally posted by no1marauder
Exy's right. We should abolish the forums altogether as they just create a lot of unpleasantness. It would be pleasanter if we just played pleasant games of chess with other people. I would also abolish PM's and messaging your opponent during games; it might cause unpleasantness and this is a CHESS SITE; you're not allowed to talk during game ...[text shortened]... ard.

In Uttersilenceship,

2BitLawyer - Lying, Hypocritical, Brown Trash

Why do you push your angle. If you look around you are talking about something that exist's in your own mind, and will come to fuition by your own hand.

How droll.


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Originally posted by no1marauder
Exy's right. We should abolish the forums altogether as they just create a lot of unpleasantness. It would be pleasanter if we just played pleasant games of chess with other people. I would also abolish PM's and messaging your opponent during games; it might cause unpleasantness and this is a CHESS SITE; you're not allowed to talk during game ...[text shortened]... ard.

In Uttersilenceship,

2BitLawyer - Lying, Hypocritical, Brown Trash
I'm really curious to know, as a lawyer do you ever defend the innoccent or do you prefer to prosecute them?

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Originally posted by Exy
I'm really curious to know, as a lawyer do you ever defend the innoccent or do you prefer to prosecute them?
Is that important? Or is it the lawyer's image that counts?

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