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why can't this issue be simple?

why can't this issue be simple?


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why can't our american govt. just make it as simple as this?:
1. get out of Iraq...
there is no progress to be made...
Iraq is a lost cause due to the Islamic religion...
2. redeploy troops to Iran and N. Korea
3. tell those crackpot presidents that we aren't taking their BS with the nuclear weapons deal...
hand em over or we will kill you...
why can't life be this simple?
why must everything be dealt with in the politically correct manner
pardon the pun...
with the biggest military muscle on earth, i would think that we should have no problem getting these upstart terrorism based nations to see things our way...
so confused...

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Careful you don't stick your guns 'n ammo pages together

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Originally posted by Squelchbelch
Careful you don't stick your guns 'n ammo pages together
it's a serious question?
why do american diplomats have to get on their knee and beg this pile of dung in N. Korea to hand over some nukes when we've got enough to give the N. Koreans a good close up view of the upper stratosphere...

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ignore rubberjaw. pretend he isn't here and maybe he will go away.

dude, don't you have some guns and nazi souvenirs to polish? why make these idiotic threads?

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Originally posted by rubberjaw30
it's a serious question?
why do american diplomats have to get on their knee and beg this pile of dung in N. Korea to hand over some nukes when we've got enough to give the N. Koreans a good close up view of the upper stratosphere...
Because (and these are just the incredibly obvious answers):

1. Anything that gets blown into the upper stratosphere will continue spreading across national borders thanks to global wind patterns.

2. At least one North Korean will have time to react and press the big red button.

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Originally posted by rubberjaw30

with the biggest military muscle on earth, i would think that we should have no problem getting these upstart terrorism based nations to see things our way...
so confused...
As the Korean, Vietnam and now the Iraq wars have shown...It's not that easy to get people to see your way with force.

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Originally posted by rubberjaw30
why can't our american govt. just make it as simple as this?:
1. get out of Iraq...
there is no progress to be made...
Iraq is a lost cause due to the Islamic religion...
2. redeploy troops to Iran and N. Korea
3. tell those crackpot presidents that we aren't taking their BS with the nuclear weapons deal...
hand em over or we will kill you...
why ...[text shortened]... roblem getting these upstart terrorism based nations to see things our way...
so confused...
when words fail, we all fail

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Originally posted by Zahlanzi
ignore rubberjaw. pretend he isn't here and maybe he will go away.

dude, don't you have some guns and nazi souvenirs to polish? why make these idiotic threads?
get your head out your arse...
it was an honest question, as I have been way too busy to research the meaning or read the news on many of these issues...
I just don't understand what makes Washington think that begging the Koreans to put their "war-weapons" back in their case will actually work...

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Originally posted by orfeo
Because (and these are just the incredibly obvious answers):

1. Anything that gets blown into the upper stratosphere will continue spreading across national borders thanks to global wind patterns.

2. At least one North Korean will have time to react and press the big red button.
no good, there've already been nuclear tests, and NK hasn't demonstrated a viable nuclear weapon.

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Originally posted by rubberjaw30
it's a serious question?
why do american diplomats have to get on their knee and beg this pile of dung in N. Korea to hand over some nukes when we've got enough to give the N. Koreans a good close up view of the upper stratosphere...
Actually it's a bloody good idea! If the US fires a few huge nukes into those backward half-baked countries and starts a nuclear war, it would cool the planet down and counterract global warming with a nuclear winter.

My very rough calculations (and I mean rough: I just scribbled some numbers down on the clean side of my hanky) suggest the temperature will be as a balmy spring day. Forever.

Sounds like a plan to me.

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Originally posted by rubberjaw30
why can't our american govt. just make it as simple as this?:
1. get out of Iraq...
there is no progress to be made...
Iraq is a lost cause due to the Islamic religion...
2. redeploy troops to Iran and N. Korea
3. tell those crackpot presidents that we aren't taking their BS with the nuclear weapons deal...
hand em over or we will kill you...
why ...[text shortened]... roblem getting these upstart terrorism based nations to see things our way...
so confused...
It doesn't matter how many weapons we have. All nations are sovereign. We don't have the right ... nor does anyone else ... to just barge in someplace like the neighborhood bully. If you are saying that we do, then you are saying that any nation with more weapons than we have or more chutzpah can just barge into our nation and do the same. It's either OK or it's not. Civilized people use diplomacy.

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Originally posted by reader1107
It doesn't matter how many weapons we have. All nations are sovereign. We don't have the right ... nor does anyone else ... to just barge in someplace like the neighborhood bully. If you are saying that we do, then you are saying that any nation with more weapons than we have or more chutzpah can just barge into our nation and do the same. It's either OK or it's not. Civilized people use diplomacy.
that plan of dimplomacy works if all involved parties are civilized...
but not when you get the likes of N. Korea and Iran in the mix

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Originally posted by rubberjaw30
why can't our american govt. just make it as simple as this?:
1. get out of Iraq...
there is no progress to be made...
Iraq is a lost cause due to the Islamic religion...
2. redeploy troops to Iran and N. Korea
3. tell those crackpot presidents that we aren't taking their BS with the nuclear weapons deal...
hand em over or we will kill you...
why roblem getting these upstart terrorism based nations to see things our way...
so confused...
"1. get out of Iraq...
there is no progress to be made...
Iraq is a lost cause due to the Islamic religion..."

There may not be any progress to be made, but there is certainly plenty of money to be made....if you are a company who used to be run by the current US vice-president that is!

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Originally posted by rubberjaw30
that plan of dimplomacy works if all involved parties are civilized...
but not when you get the likes of N. Korea and Iran in the mix
Yeah, 'cause we all know what a civilised country the US is. I mean your like
the beacon of light to the rest of the world with your "convince by force and
make profit in the process"-philosophy. Hell, we should all just buy guns and
shoot each other down whenever we don't see eye to eye. The sneaky will
still stand and the world will be full of peace, love and commerce. Halleluja!

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Originally posted by rubberjaw30
why can't our american govt. just make it as simple as this?:
1. get out of Iraq...
there is no progress to be made...
Iraq is a lost cause due to the Islamic religion...
2. redeploy troops to Iran and N. Korea
3. tell those crackpot presidents that we aren't taking their BS with the nuclear weapons deal...
hand em over or we will kill you...
why ...[text shortened]... roblem getting these upstart terrorism based nations to see things our way...
so confused...
reminds me of that old song "if i ruled the world".
trouble is that a more strident us would produce an even bigger backlash, so you'd end up having to nuke more and more countries to keep the lid on things.
the real answer is that you dont have unanimity politically, and also youve got your own religious baggage, these things stop you from going too far down the fascist path.
you should see the film dr.strangelove, you'd like it 🙂

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