Originally posted by whodey1. mccain is just as likeable (possibly even more)
1. He is likable.
2. He is not an evil Republican.
3. He is charismatic.
4. Internationally people seem to like him. Maybe if the US elects him they will like us even more!!.
5. He claims he will get us out of Iraq, whatever that means.
Any others?
2. are you jlilly in disguise? republicans are not evil.
3.the majority of politicians are as well (including mccain)
4.they only like obama because of his image
5.he won't know how to deal with the problems in iraq, if america gives up in iraq all the deaths of those soldiers will be in vain.
Originally posted by whodeyHe'll fix the economy, improve the trajectory of the national debt, and improve the healthcare system. That's for starters.
1. He is likable.
2. He is not an evil Republican.
3. He is charismatic.
4. Internationally people seem to like him. Maybe if the US elects him they will like us even more!!.
5. He claims he will get us out of Iraq, whatever that means.
Any others?
Originally posted by whodeyAll those attributes can be laid at the feet of the average air stewardess.
1. He is likable.
2. He is not an evil Republican.
3. He is charismatic.
4. Internationally people seem to like him. Maybe if the US elects him they will like us even more!!.
5. He claims he will get us out of Iraq, whatever that means.
Any others?
That doesn't really qualify him to be president does it?
Originally posted by whodeywhodey: He claims he will get us out of Iraq, whatever that means.
1. He is likable.
2. He is not an evil Republican.
3. He is charismatic.
4. Internationally people seem to like him. Maybe if the US elects him they will like us even more!!.
5. He claims he will get us out of Iraq, whatever that means.
Any others?
It's really that hard to figure out? 🙄