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Women's Sports


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I read an article the other day about schools wherein female students are demanding 'equal'
treatment with regards to their sports programs. In most schools, sports programs are part
of their profit structure -- that is, while they invest millions in their programs, the sports
return with big dollars.

Now, it is a well-established fact that audiences by and large prefer male sports to female
sports (I think the sport in question was basketball, but this is generally the case) and,
consequently, the revenues derived from male and female sports is markedly unequal.

How is it reasonable for female students to ask for an investment not commensurate with
their ability to make revenue?


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Originally posted by Nemesio
I read an article the other day about schools wherein female students are demanding 'equal'
treatment with regards to their sports programs. In most schools, sports programs are part
of their profit structure -- that is, while they invest millions in their programs, the sports
return with big dollars.

Now, it is a well-established fact that audiences ...[text shortened]... s to ask for an investment not commensurate with
their ability to make revenue?

Either they have to show their case to women investors..
Or show off their natural assets while participating in the sport.

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Originally posted by Nemesio
I read an article the other day about schools wherein female students are demanding 'equal'
treatment with regards to their sports programs. In most schools, sports programs are part
of their profit structure -- that is, while they invest millions in their programs, the sports
return with big dollars.

Now, it is a well-established fact that audiences ...[text shortened]... s to ask for an investment not commensurate with
their ability to make revenue?

If universities want to exist primarily to make money from sports teams, they should tear down all those libraries and classrooms. Sports programs are supposed to be part of the educational process and females pay just as much money in as men do. Therefore, their sports programs should be equally (or near equally) supported by the money that the university gets (contrary to popular belief, virtually all sports programs at large universities are a financial drain, not a profit maker).

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Originally posted by Nemesio
I read an article the other day about schools wherein female students are demanding 'equal'
treatment with regards to their sports programs. In most schools, sports programs are part
of their profit structure -- that is, while they invest millions in their programs, the sports
return with big dollars.

Now, it is a well-established fact that audiences ...[text shortened]... s to ask for an investment not commensurate with
their ability to make revenue?

Most femenists, in my opinion, hold ridiculous opinions. What are they trying to do, shame people into coming and see them play so that they can demand more school support?

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Originally posted by Nemesio
I read an article the other day about schools wherein female students are demanding 'equal'
treatment with regards to their sports programs. In most schools, sports programs are part
of their profit structure -- that is, while they invest millions in their programs, the sports
return with big dollars.

Now, it is a well-established fact that audiences ...[text shortened]... s to ask for an investment not commensurate with
their ability to make revenue?

I'm not sure exactly how it works at my university, since the only sports I'm into are full-contact random meandering and extreme smoking, but almost all student activities, including most sports, are run by student societies with membership fees and some subsidy from the students' union and any profit earned from events. I'm fairly sure that any revenue generated by a given student club goes directly into the running of that club, although the union makes money in other ways (they run three bars and hold various events). The important point is that, in the main, student interest in activities pays for them, although I think there are exceptions (some inter-university sports) which I don't think should exist (if they do -- I haven't researched this carefully). I don't like the thought of paying tuition I can't afford so that some testosterone-poisoned pisshead can spend a Wednesday evening with his rugby mates singing songs which are far less clever than your battle-raps.

The sports culture at American universities shocks me, from an idealistic and financial standpoint, but this post could easily become a rant on the things I think are stupid about tertiary education, which are numerous, so I'd best leave it at risk of hijacking. Suffice to say that Title IX and the like seem totally unnecessary, since universities should not be in the business of funding sports teams anyway, although they should have some mechanism by which students can organise and fund their own recreation.

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Originally posted by Peachy
Either they have to show their case to women investors..
Or show off their natural assets while participating in the sport.
Whoa! Who can forget the beach volleyball in the last Olympics? As I recall they received rave reviews in these very forums.

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Originally posted by Nemesio
I read an article the other day about schools wherein female students are demanding 'equal'
treatment with regards to their sports programs. In most schools, sports programs are part
of their profit structure -- that is, while they invest millions in their programs, the sports
return with big dollars.

Now, it is a well-established fact that audiences ...[text shortened]... s to ask for an investment not commensurate with
their ability to make revenue?

I don't know.
I heard someone on TV talking about female tennis being more enjoyable to watch, because it wasn't as fast as male tennis (which has become a joke to watch because of serving speeds).

And personally, If I was to watch hockey, I'd watch female hockey...those tight little skirts....mhmmmmm

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Originally posted by shavixmir
I don't know.
I heard someone on TV talking about female tennis being more enjoyable to watch, because it wasn't as fast as male tennis (which has become a joke to watch because of serving speeds).

And personally, If I was to watch hockey, I'd watch female hockey...those tight little skirts....mhmmmmm
The Imperial women's hockey team:


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Originally posted by Draxus
Most femenists, in my opinion, hold ridiculous opinions. What are they trying to do, shame people into coming and see them play so that they can demand more school support?
Most people hold ridiculous opinions. Are there some ridiculous opinions that you think are particularly prevalent amongst feminists?

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Originally posted by bbarr
Most people hold ridiculous opinions. Are there some ridiculous opinions that you think are particularly prevalent amongst feminists?
That women's rights exist as something distinct from men's rights or human rights.

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Originally posted by no1marauder
If universities want to exist primarily to make money from sports teams, they should tear down all those libraries and classrooms. Sports programs are supposed to be part of the educational process and females pay just as much money in as men do. Therefore, their sports programs should be equally (or near equally) supported by the money that the universi ...[text shortened]... virtually all sports programs at large universities are a financial drain, not a profit maker).
Should the curling team receive just as much money as the football team, since curlers and football players pay equal tuition?

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Originally posted by DoctorScribbles
That women's rights exist as something distinct from men's rights or human rights.
I don't think they hold such an opinion. I think the opinion that they hold is that the rights of individual women in toto have been constantly undervalued or ignored by societies run by men (even more so than the individual rights of men have been).

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Originally posted by DoctorScribbles
Should the curling team receive just as much money as the football team, since curlers and football players pay equal tuition?
If there were a equal number of players wanting to play curling as do football and if the costs for maintaining the sports teams were approximately equal, yes. Why not?

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Originally posted by no1marauder
I don't think they hold such an opinion. I think the opinion that they hold is that the rights of individual women in toto have been constantly undervalued or ignored by societies run by men (even more so than the individual rights of men have been).
Not true. Many think they have the right to demand maternity leave, and paid maternity leave at that.

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Originally posted by DoctorScribbles
Not true. Many think they have the right to demand maternity leave, and paid maternity leave at that.
I fail to see how that supports your argument. Men think that prostrate cancer treatment should be covered by their medical insurance; is that asking for a special sort of rights for men only?

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