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Yes, Mr. DeSantis, I am woke

Yes, Mr. DeSantis, I am woke


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Guest opinion: Yes, Mr. DeSantis, I am woke

Thomas Minor
Sun, August 21, 2022 at 2:00 AM

Mr. DeSantis, I am a Black American, a thirty-year Marine veteran and someone still involved in defending this country against all enemies, foreign and domestic. I am woke Mr. DeSantis. The wokeness started in the 1950s after the white landowner of my tenant farming parents informed them that if they chose to vote, they could also find another place to live.

In 2021, you passed restrictive voting laws specifically designed to suppress minority votes after holding up Florida as a model for how to conduct an election.

The wokeness continued as I attended substandard segregated schools in the 50s and 60s with hand me down books from the schools attended by the white students in my county that had history texts with teachings about “The War of Northern Aggression” and touting “happy slaves and benevolent slave-holders”.

In 2022 you passed legislation that prohibited teaching fact-based history if it made white students “uncomfortable”.

I am woke after growing up watching local elected officials and police openly welcome and mingle with robed Klu Klux Klansmen as they marched through my town on Saturdays.

In 2021, you aggressively went after BLM gatherings but have said barely a word about the Nazis and Proud Boys who freely parade throughout the state, nor have you held a press conference to address how Florida would respond to the state leading the nation in the number of January 6 insurrectionists.

I am woke Mr. DeSantis and will remain so.

Following the actions of January 6 and watching your actions and the actions of other Trump acolytes in its wake, it behooves all citizens to be “woke”, unless they want to wake up in Nazi Germany reincarnated in a totally Dis-United States of America.

A retired colonel with the United States Marine Corps, Thomas Minor is a graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy, the U.S. Army War College and the U.S. Naval War College with a master's degree in national security and strategic studies. He spent 30 years as a Marine infantry officer with the last assignment as head of the Department of Naval Science and instructor of leadership and ethics at the Virginia Military Institute. He is currently employed by General Dynamics as a security contractor for the Department of Homeland Security and is a resident of Bonita Springs.

*And yes, Mr. Minor is black.* -- Suzianne

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@suzianne said

Guest opinion: Yes, Mr. DeSantis, I am woke

Thomas Minor
Sun, August 21, 2022 at 2:00 AM

Mr. DeSantis, I am a Black American, a thirty-year Marine veteran and someone still involved in defending this country against all enemies, foreign and domestic. I am woke Mr. DeSantis. The woke ...[text shortened]... nd Security and is a resident of Bonita Springs.[/i]

*And yes, Mr. Minor is black.* -- Suzianne
Consider evolution and adaptation before you promote Woke. Here is your favorite news source, PBS, with a different take on it.
Woke is dead, do not get left in the dust. PS: Could you define 'fact-based history"? If something is history, it is by its very definition fact. Don't get the author, Mr Minor, on that one.



@averagejoe1 said
Consider evolution and adaptation before you promote Woke. Here is your favorite news source, PBS, with a different take on it.
Woke is dead, do not get left in the dust.

"Woke" was dead 40 years after it was coined. And now enemies of the black man have commandeered it and put their own spin on it. Just like the non-existent "CRT". White people seem to always need something to be afraid of.

But it still remains perfectly good and reasonable for black people in this country to remain "woke" about who and what the white man is and what he is STILL doing to make his life hell.

So, sure, rail on about being or staying "woke" but say and do nothing about the real crimes in this country against PoC and women and LGBTQ.

Typical, and disgusting.


@suzianne said
"Woke" was dead 40 years after it was coined. And now enemies of the black man have commandeered it and put their own spin on it. Just like the non-existent "CRT". White people seem to always need something to be afraid of.

But it still remains perfectly good and reasonable for black people in this country to remain "woke" about who and what the white man is and what h ...[text shortened]... g about the real crimes in this country against PoC and women and LGBTQ.

Typical, and disgusting.
the black man should thank God for slavery. Not that slavery was good, it was not, it was evil. BUT, that is what delivered you from that hell hole you came from, Slavery is still much alive there as it is in many parts of the world, Thank God you live in a place that abolished slavery...evil white men abolished slavery, its over, done with, quit your fuking whining. Did your history teach you that ONLY the rich landowners (democrats) had slaves, The average citizen did not. All this wokness is perpetrated by guess who? DEMOCRATS...wake up!

Lets deal with the here and now. China still has slavery, china owns our president. The famous BLACK man lebron james has made a fortune off of slavery. Put your energy where it will do some good. Dwelling on the past only keeps slavery alive and create division, democrats rely on this to keep you down with govt handouts.


@mott-the-hoople said
the black man should thank God for slavery. Not that slavery was good, it was not, it was evil. BUT, that is what delivered you from that hell hole you came from, Slavery is still much alive there as it is in many parts of the world, Thank God you live in a place that abolished slavery...evil white men abolished slavery, its over, done with, quit your fuking whining. ...[text shortened]... keeps slavery alive and create division, democrats rely on this to keep you down with govt handouts.
So says the white man.

What an idiot.


@mott-the-hoople said
the black man should thank God for slavery. Not that slavery was good, it was not, it was evil. BUT, that is what delivered you from that hell hole you came from, Slavery is still much alive there as it is in many parts of the world, Thank God you live in a place that abolished slavery...evil white men abolished slavery, its over, done with, quit your fuking whining. ...[text shortened]... keeps slavery alive and create division, democrats rely on this to keep you down with govt handouts.
And need we bother that there is no development, for lack of a better word, in Africa, ...development by the descendants of the people who were brought here as slaves? They've moved from huts to buildings, for the most part, but not a very creative productive society. No advancement. Their ancestors, in the USA, end up with huge opportunity, cell phones, you name it. And Lebron at $100M.
So, this is what Mott is saying. Give him hell, Suzianne.


@suzianne said
So says the white man.

What an idiot.
your posts have no traction, Suzianne

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Desantis needs to crawl in a hole and frigging DIE, he is the ABSOLUTE worse governor of ANY state and would compete with Trump as the worse POTUS in US history.

BTW, you wouldn't recognize traction if it bit you in your ugly misshapen ass.


@sonhouse said
Desantis needs to crawl in a hole and frigging DIE, he is the ABSOLUTE worse governor of ANY state and would compete with Trump as the worse POTUS in US history.

BTW, you wouldn't recognize traction if it bit you in your ugly misshapen ass.
you should be arrested for slaughtering the English language...uneducated buffoon


@suzianne said
So says the white man.

What an idiot.
does my race matter to you?


@mott-the-hoople said
the black man should thank God for slavery. Not that slavery was good, it was not, it was evil. BUT, that is what delivered you from that hell hole you came from, Slavery is still much alive there as it is in many parts of the world, Thank God you live in a place that abolished slavery...evil white men abolished slavery, its over, done with, quit your fuking whining. ...[text shortened]... keeps slavery alive and create division, democrats rely on this to keep you down with govt handouts.
Racist fukk-wit.


@shavixmir said
Racist fukk-wit.
Notice truly,,,,,from an objective point of view, you are getting slaughtered on the forum and such comments are all you can do. Now you write like sue and son house and jester, mchill, the lot.
Can maybe YOU tell us, for instance, the you know that Obama said he would spread the wealth around? None of your ilk will say that, they will say nothing to add to the posting. What are we to do? I cant play frisbee, it is for faeries, what do you suggest?


@shavixmir said
Racist fukk-wit.
oh shyt…he pulled the race card…👌

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@shavixmir said
Racist fukk-wit.
Blacks in America have it a lot better than they do in "Tha Muthaland".
When Mohammed Ali visited Africa, he got off the plane, looked around, and said "Man I'm glad my ancestors didn't miss the boat".
True story, google it.


Ah, that makes it SO much better. I guess that resolves the half lit embarrassment over the treatment of blacks here in the US.
It makes your consciousness SO much easier to take.

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