@metal-brain saidWho the fukk are you talking to?
Don't be stupid. The USA is no better than Russia.
Get some meds.
27 Jul 22
@shavixmir saidWe stole 1/3 of Syria, the oil rich part.
Who the fukk are you talking to?
Get some meds.
Trump was amazingly honest about stealing the oil too. He bragged about it.
Oh that is right, you don't watch videos so you can be easily made a fool of when you lie to deny reality. I like this game. Let's keep playing it.
27 Jul 22
@metal-brain saidHey cretin where’s the maps and videos showing this massive occupation force that are turning cities like irbil to rubble🤷🏻♂️
We stole 1/3 of Syria, the oil rich part.
Trump was amazingly honest about stealing the oil too. He bragged about it.
Oh that is right, you don't watch videos so you can be easily made a fool of when you lie to deny reality. I like this game. Let's keep playing it.
@metal-brain saidYou can put bs conspiracy / pro Putin website links up until your blue in the face but your still lying your face off.
@metal-brain saidSo why would we care about Syria? They are gassing monsters. Steal all their oil. and gas them. That is, if you libs are OK with capital-punishing them!!!! hahaha. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khan_Shaykhun_chemical_attack
We stole 1/3 of Syria, the oil rich part.
Trump was amazingly honest about stealing the oil too. He bragged about it.
Oh that is right, you don't watch videos so you can be easily made a fool of when you lie to deny reality. I like this game. Let's keep playing it.
27 Jul 22
@metal-brain saidYeah, but OP, who are you talking to?
We stole 1/3 of Syria, the oil rich part.
Trump was amazingly honest about stealing the oil too. He bragged about it.
Oh that is right, you don't watch videos so you can be easily made a fool of when you lie to deny reality. I like this game. Let's keep playing it.
Get some meds.
@metal-brain saidMB, I hope that you say that 'out of context', as USA is certainly better than Russia?
Don't be stupid. The USA is no better than Russia.
28 Jul 22
@averagejoe1 said"They are gassing monsters. "
So why would we care about Syria? They are gassing monsters. Steal all their oil. and gas them. That is, if you libs are OK with capital-punishing them!!!! hahaha. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khan_Shaykhun_chemical_attack
That is propaganda. Assad was winning the war. He had no incentive to use gas.
Try watching the Jimmy Dore video before repeating propaganda.
28 Jul 22
@averagejoe1 saidIs it?
MB, I hope that you say that 'out of context', as USA is certainly better than Russia?
@metal-brain saidReposting the same obvious Putinist agitprop link thrice doesn't make it any less obvious, any less Putinist, or any less agitprop.