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Y’all will prob see this as acceptable lib lifestyle

Y’all will prob see this as acceptable lib lifestyle




I think execute them, on January 10. No trial with positive proof. Hey Shav? Capital punishment ?
Did any of you know these 2.?


You are really one sick puppy if you think libs like this lifestyle. But we knew that already.


@sonhouse said
You are really one sick puppy if you think libs like this lifestyle. But we knew that already.
It is, if you say let them go. If so, yes, it fits liberal life. Shav will say do not execute them , which brought me to this thread subject. How many say execute? Tomorrow. Execute them tomorrow.?


@averagejoe1 said

I think execute them, on January 10. No trial with positive proof. Hey Shav? Capital punishment ?
Did any of you know these 2.?
Executing minors is unconstitutional. Why do you hate the Constitution?


@averagejoe1 said

I think execute them, on January 10. No trial with positive proof. Hey Shav? Capital punishment ?
Did any of you know these 2.?
As Michael Ponsor, The Hanging Judge, once famously quipped, first, we'll give them a fair trial, and then we'll hang'em


@athousandyoung said
Executing minors is unconstitutional. Why do you hate the Constitution?
I wud vote for an exception. Thousand, your liberal thinking, like most, is mush and unfounded, but, it is time to end it all. You people are blind. Death by injection, they wont feel a thing.
Or, you tell us where they willbe, what doing , say , 20 years from now. Presume we will have that liberal society, which we certainly will,
Tell us.


@averagejoe1 said
I wud vote for an exception. Thousand, your liberal thinking, like most, is mush and unfounded, but, it is time to end it all. You people are blind. Death by injection, they wont feel a thing.
Or, you tell us where they willbe, what doing , say , 20 years from now. Presume we will have that liberal society, which we certainly will,
Tell us.
And all the white scumbag kids that shot schools and churches up because of their cultural conditioning can we hang that white scum without a trail Joe or will you racist illiberal whites let them go because of the colour of their skin
Oh and them white racist policemen that have killed innocent black people can we hang them without a trial
Just asking because there were a lot of you racists arguing that Chauvin shouldn’t even be in jail. Jeezo Joe try to be a bit subtle about your racism


@kevcvs57 said
And all the white scumbag kids that shot schools and churches up because of their cultural conditioning can we hang that white scum without a trail Joe or will you racist illiberal whites let them go because of the colour of their skin
Oh and them white racist policemen that have killed innocent black people can we hang them without a trial
Just asking because there were ...[text shortened]... s arguing that Chauvin shouldn’t even be in jail. Jeezo Joe try to be a bit subtle about your racism
That’d be a big thread.
These 2…. Wacha gonna do. Be Nice class?


@kevcvs57 said
And all the white scumbag kids that shot schools and churches up because of their cultural conditioning can we hang that white scum without a trail Joe or will you racist illiberal whites let them go because of the colour of their skin
Oh and them white racist policemen that have killed innocent black people can we hang them without a trial
Just asking because there were ...[text shortened]... s arguing that Chauvin shouldn’t even be in jail. Jeezo Joe try to be a bit subtle about your racism
Good point. But each case has to be decided separately. Execute Darcus and Madrixqus , and let’s execute anyone who commits similar crimes. Unless they are 7 yrs or younger.

Footnote: I once turned down an applicant to join my firm, she had a Q AND a hyphen in her name. Uggh. Could not imagine it splayed on our stationary.

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@averagejoe1 said
Good point. But each case has to be decided separately. Execute Darcus and Madrixqus , and let’s execute anyone who commits similar crimes. Unless they are 7 yrs or younger.

Footnote: I once turned down an applicant to join my firm, she had a Q AND a hyphen in her name. Uggh. Could not imagine it splayed on our stationary.
Well that’s because you’re a racist mate but I should tell you the shock value of your racist statements has waned dramatically due to their over abundance.
I just feel that there’s a special place in hell for cops who use their uniform to commit racially motivated murders or in fact any murders.


@kevcvs57 said
Well that’s because you’re a racist mate but I should tell you the shock value of your racist statements has waned dramatically due to their over abundance.
I just feel that there’s a special place in hell for cops who use their uniform to commit racially motivated murders or in fact any murders.
Me too. So does everyone.
Not a racist, Kev. Culture is my problem.

3 edits

Sounds like the best decision she ever had dealt with. She would have been very unhappy in a joint like your 'firm'.

Average Joe1 and culture. Oxymoron.

Your god king Trump has done his work well, channeling Hitler and Musselini, first, separate the population into two groups who hate each other, and of course you fit right in with the fascist crowd and it is clear you strive to kill our democracy because your god king has shown you only Trump can save the country.
You completely underestimate the evil inherent in Trump and his disregard of the constitution and he WILL work day and night to expand his POTUS powers and put people in office with sworn loyalty to Trump and not the constitution.
I hope TRUMP rots in hell just like the words he copied from Hitler.
BTW, that lying SOB now says he knows nothing about any writings of Hitler but he has been proven to have a copy of Mein Kampf on his night stand.
Just another set of lies that you probably believe in 100% since you KNOW your god king would NEVER lie.


@averagejoe1 said
I wud vote for an exception. Thousand, your liberal thinking, like most, is mush and unfounded, but, it is time to end it all. You people are blind. Death by injection, they wont feel a thing.
Or, you tell us where they willbe, what doing , say , 20 years from now. Presume we will have that liberal society, which we certainly will,
Tell us.

We should just overdose people with Fentanyl, heroin or morphine. Then it won’t hurt.

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@athousandyoung said

We should just overdose people with Fentanyl, heroin or morphine. Then it won’t hurt.
Yes, a comfortable situation. Painful procedure would make us all feel pain. Along these lines, did we execute the kid ,Dylan Roof, who shot the people in the church? Then let us execute these 2 savages. Do you see a diiference? Hello?

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@athousandyoung said

We should just overdose people with Fentanyl, heroin or morphine. Then it won’t hurt.
I wonder how nitrogen poisoning is going to work out,,,

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