Okay, I did this thing on Facebook, and put a lot of time into it, so I'm gonna put it here too to make me feel like I didn't wast emy time.
1. The concept of saying "Bless you." I heard somewhere that it comes from the idea that once you sneeze, you're heart/brain/something important instantaneously stops and then restarts, so technically you died and came back to life. I'm really superstitious, but hey, think about it a minute. You're sitting in a room, when suddenly BAM you hear a sneeze, and right then you're supposed to open your mouth and let in all the germs to tell them Bless you. Maybe that's how Enza flew in. I personnally like the Iranian practice (i.e. my personal practice along with an Iranian phrase) of delaying and then saying "the bear exploded", which is actually a phrase in Farsi. (Can you imagine someone sneezing and telling them "The bear exploded"? That's too funny). However, I have yet to actually say that to someone after a sneeze in public.
2. People who assume things or take things or granted really get on my nerves. Or rather, people who take things for granted--and then get those things--really annoy me. It's like they pre-choose what's going to happen, and then act all superior or feel better about themselves or look down at other people, etc. What kind of fun is that when you know what's going to happen? What would you do if it DIDN'T happen? Maybe it's just because America takes so many things for granted about Iran as a whole, but that would be just me.
3. Those people who stand in the 10 items or less (yes, it should be fewer, but think physics--no one really cares about the specifics, you get the point: no more than 10 items, jerk) when they have MORE than 10 items. I don't mean 11 or 12 or 14, but seriously, take your cartload of 30 bags of Twinkies to the counter over there. The rest of us have more important things to do with our time than stand behind you in a line and try to think of polite but obvious zingers that get the point across that you're a self-centered prat.
4. Buffers. I hate what I don't understand. Not really, but I hate buffers anyway, so...there you go.
5. Really stubborn people. I mean, seriously, even Cyrus the Great made some mistakes. (Like dying. Why the heck did he go get himself killed?) But seriously, if you can't admit changes or mistkaes, then you shouldn't survive evolution. Because you can't freaking ADAPT, jerkfaces. Luckily, I don't know many people like that. Luckily, people like that will never get married/stay married, so eventually evolution will do its job, I'm sure.
6. People who are never serious. I mean, seriously, sometimes everything is NOT a joke. Get a hold of yourselves. Again, I don't know many people like that, but again, people like that won't get married, so evolution will again do its thing. Unless they donate to sperm banks, in which case I think there should be personality tests for people before they are allowed to donate something that can become alive, and, like, live.
7. Most nations as a whole. Sorry. Don't take it personnaly. I tend to like people, but most countries/nations have, at some point, done some attrocity to Iran (yes, I probably misspelled attrocity...what'cha gonna do about it?), and, well, I'm Iranian American, so, 50 percent of me will have been hurt by something your nation did, meaning that you are somewhat to blame (that's ok, though, I forgive you, mostly). But seriously. If Vegas had a table of all the countries of the world, they would make a killing if you were to bet on a random country to see if they did not do something that conflicted with Iran. Again, don't really worry about it.
8.Bigots and people who have prejudices. I hate them even before I actually know them. Seriously, though, if you judge someone because you think there's some supernatural quality that you have that someone else doesn't, you're a jerk.
9. Mustard packets. You can never open those things. If you do, you can never wear your current shirt/jacket/whatever you where wearing to school again, as mustard does not, unfortunately, wash off.
10. People who don't take off they're shoes when they come into our house. We don't have many guests at all (almost never), but when we do, we (me and my family) expect them to take off their shoes. It's not that hard, and most religions don't require you to wear shoes, so just do it. Humor us. People that are like "yea we don't do that" aren't real friends/good people/don't deserve respect.
11. Really dumb people. Actually, I don't hate or even dislike them, it's just that they would never understand any of my references/jokes (not ALL of them are bad, geez, if I had a penny for every time someone insulted one of my jokes...well it still probably woudn't buy more than a couple of Dr.Pepper's with these prices), and it gets boring to hang out with them. There's only so many things you can say about the weather.
12. Dr. Zhivago. Seriously, who gets it on with three different girls? Tonia got SO ripped off. And Yuri needs to get a hold of himself. What a jerk.
13. That little spider thing in Centipede. If you’ve ever played Centipede on Sega Genesis (a Sega Genesis of which I am most proud, btw), then you, too, hate the spider that hits you when you’re trapped under all the falling centipede pieces during like the 40th round and beyond, or when you go for 900 points and the dratted thing doesn’t work and the spider hits you and all those mushroom come popping back with a sound more annoying the Facebook Chat popping.
14. The bottom of any sheet of paper. Okay, call me crazy, but every time I write on paper and get down to the bottom, it gets awkward. Half my hand goes under the paper, and when you’re writing in a notebook, you’ve got nothing to support your hand and the writing gets all messy and stuff. People should make extendable paper for you to keep writing and then un-extend it back to where you can write at the top of the paper again.
15. The first chess game after lunch. I’ve found out that, unless I’m playing someone who’s chess level is as high as the interest rate under Greenspan, I lose my first chess game after lunch. It just is that way. I hate it, I foresee it, I try to cheat my way out of it (not really, but I try to delay going and sitting at the board as long as possible), yet it always gets me. It’s totally wicked. Moral: never play chess and eat in the same day.
16. Biology bonuses during Science bowl: I rarely know them, and when I do know them, I actually don’t and just think I do, as evidenced by my answers being wrong. I feel completely useless whenever I hear them. It’s more terrifying to me than, well, something reaaallly terrifying. Luckily I don’t have to know them, because a certain someone already knows them all already and also luckily is on our team. So, life is good.
17. Winter: I hate cold weather. Everyone’s like, boo global warming, but hey, who wants to live in the cold? Okay, just kidding, global warming is bad and all, but I am looking forward to retiring and living in the desert. Cold weather kill productivity, by the way, so don’t automatically think I’m crazy. Could YOU differentiate in BELOW FREEZING temperatures? No, because you would die before you could do it.
18. Country music/rap: Sorry, with the possible exception of the Finane class rap, I just don’t agree with those types of music. Rap is what people who can talk faster than everyone else made to show how much faster than us they can talk, and try and feel good about themselves. And country music is…well, it’s country music. I love techno, though, so feel free to send me some links.
19. Higgs boson: Okay, fine, you win the Hide and Seek game. Now just SHOW UP you little twerp! No one is laughing anymore, you’re just being annoying. We have better things to do than waste all our time trying to find you, like getting to 250 grand on Centipede (I’ve gotten 242000 once).
20. The College Board: Seriously, Madeoff has nothing against these guys. They “made off” with way too much money. I mean, 45 dollars—on my part—to sit down and read questions about how one answer might possibly be maybe better than another shouldn’t be something I need to go through.
21. Pennies: No one uses them anymore. The only thing pennies are good for now are for experiments like trying to pay for Starbucks stuff in pennies and trying to see what they do if you give them ALMOST all the pennies, but not enough to completely add up to the price, because I’m pretty sure no one would count them all out, but they can’t refuse to give you coffee, because technically pennies are still money. But otherwise, pennies are only good for penny soccer (which, I hear, is being replaced by quarter soccer), and that’s just not enough for most people to want to have pennies.
22. People who don’t laugh at my jokes in social situations: All right, guys, let’s be honest here: I obviously don’t have anything better to say, and I’ve obviously put some time and effort in spontaneously coming up with these jokes (yes…I know what I said), so, just laugh. It’s not getting any better, and I probably don’t have much to say about the weather except that it’s too cold, so let’s not make awkward situations become even more awkward, like that time in physics a couple of years ago when I told a fantastic joke (it was hilarious to me, anyway) and NO ONE LAUGHED. That moment scarred my life more than a fire ever could.
23. Minimum numbers: whenever there’s a minimum amount of something specified, I usually don’t feel motivated to work harder and do more. However, whenever there isn’t a specific minimum given, I usually worry about not having enough and thus do a lot more work.
24. Guys who are really smart, funny, and better looking than me. I hate you all.
25. People who don’t finish what they
Originally posted by abejnoodyou are very serious π
Okay, I did this thing on Facebook, and put a lot of time into it, so I'm gonna put it here too to make me feel like I didn't wast emy time.
1. The concept of saying "Bless you." I heard somewhere that it comes from the idea that once you sneeze, you're heart/brain/something important instantaneously stops and then restarts, so techni ...[text shortened]... ll.
25. People who don’t finish what they
Originally posted by abejnoodI usually takeoff my shoes and I hate country music, but I disagree with the weather; I like the cold π
Okay, I did this thing on Facebook, and put a lot of time into it, so I'm gonna put it here too to make me feel like I didn't wast emy time.
1. The concept of saying "Bless you." I heard somewhere that it comes from the idea that once you sneeze, you're heart/brain/something important instantaneously stops and then restarts, so techni ll.
25. People who don’t finish what they
PS: Only the first part of 25 is posted
Originally posted by abejnoodHow about companion threads... "50 Things I Like" and "100 Things I Love".
Okay, I did this thing on Facebook, and put a lot of time into it, so I'm gonna put it here too to make me feel like I didn't wast emy time.
1. The concept of saying "Bless you." I heard somewhere that it comes from the idea that once you sneeze, you're heart/brain/something important instantaneously stops and then restarts, so techni ...[text shortened]... ll.
25. People who don’t finish what they