When I play OTB chess I hear voices in my head that suggest winning moves to me. Lately though, they have been suggesting moves that lead to losing positions and I know they are doing it on purpose. I have no clue as to what could have caused their sudden change of heart though. Did anyone else have a similar problem? How did you deal with it?
Originally posted by Raven69The voices in my head rarely discuss chess. Instead they tell me who I should kill. 😛
When I play OTB chess I hear voices in my head that suggest winning moves to me. Lately though, they have been suggesting moves that lead to losing positions and I know they are doing it on purpose. I have no clue as to what could have caused their sudden change of heart though. Did anyone else have a similar problem? How did you deal with it?
Originally posted by Raven69http://xkcd.com/c232.html
When I play OTB chess I hear voices in my head that suggest winning moves to me. Lately though, they have been suggesting moves that lead to losing positions and I know they are doing it on purpose. I have no clue as to what could have caused their sudden change of heart though. Did anyone else have a similar problem? How did you deal with it?
Originally posted by Dr StrangeloveI think the next step is to disallow non-subs to win. You may still be allowed to draw - don't want to be unfair.
No, I don't want a vacation or the vacation immunity function.
I just want equality in the games.
Either both should have the option or neither.
Maybe they'll introduce castling for subscribers only next. Pah! 🙁