Originally posted by tlai1992Perhaps now you are starting to realize that people don't like being lied to. You've gone from being low rated to being rated well in excess of 1700 in no time whatsoever. I play and study 40-60 hours a week and have been for the last year and a half and i've never broken 1700, not even by fluke. Imagine how all the people you've beaten feel, all of whom have taken their wins with their losses and genuinly try to improve. Imagine you'd spent months and years improving your chess and then some kid comes along and demorolises you by beating you up when you know they haven't done it through any effort of their own. I don't think you should be banned, i know how it feels to really want to be a great player but you've got to realize, by using a program you are not a great player, your a cheat.
how many people vote for me to stop playing on RHP
how many people vote for a second chance.
im interested in the truth.
Originally posted by marinakatombHere is how I feel about it. I've also played for years, and have studied much... much as time lets me. I'm pretty good, I think... rated 1430 or so here? That is pretty good for how casual I am about the game, and the short time I actually spend thinking about each move.
Perhaps now you are starting to realize that people don't like being lied to. You've gone from being low rated to being rated well in excess of 1700 in no time whatsoever. I play and study 40-60 hours a week and have been for the last year and a half and i've never broken 1700, not even by fluke. Imagine how all the people you've beaten feel, all of ...[text shortened]... player but you've got to realize, by using a program you are not a great player, your a cheat.
I know with my rating I should be able to beat about 60 percent of the people who play chess, a master would always whale on me... but many people play chess, and with this rating I should be able to beat most...
But here come the people who want to use a computer for their games, now I fall in rank behind all the people who cheat... I used to be ranked about 600 here.... and I've got a feeling there are a lot of other users here that do or don't use the forums that have knocked me back in the rankings just so they can win a game they don't play well at all. tlai is one of them.
Cheats upset me.
If you had just admited it and then said sorry, well then fair enough everyone makes mistakes you'd be no different. But to now come out and say it was your brother.......please do you think we are that stupid? For the good of the site I think you should go.
Im sure all the people who said you were cheating and took flak over saying it publicly feel vindicated now at least.
Even if we tell him to leave, he's just going to come back under a different name. This vote is as crooked as a Florida ballot. I don't even want you to leave, tlai. I just want you to take your computer and drop it into the nearest trash can and go read a chess book or something. You lied to everyone and you lied to me. You don't deserve to be a part of such a great site.
Why do you care so much about others' opinions? You know whether you've been cheating or not. You know whether you've been breaking the TOS and deceiving your opponents or not. And if you have been deceiving your opponents and breaking the TOS, no one knows better than you whether you are truly sorry and whether you really intend to be a solid and honest member of the site in the future.
Maybe you should examine your conscience and decide what the right choice is.
But actually, if you want to know what I think, I would say this-- if you have been cheating, and you still want to stay, ask Russ to close down your current, tainted account. Start a new account, and pay for a new subscription if you want one. In your profile, for a reasonable amount of time, say that you cheated in the past but have now reformed, so that your opponents know this when they choose to play you. Stay out of tournaments and clan matches for the time being so no one is forced to play you against their will. Begin to rebuild some of the trust that you have squandered. It will take a bit of time. It's up to you.
Given your age, I personally wouldn't hold past bad behavior against you-- IF you showed real signs of having changed your ways.
Originally posted by LordOfTheChessboardHell, what have I missed? I don't know what you guys are talking about.
since he's honest in admitting he cheated
Anyway, it seems he just admitted it becase he got caught.
I thought if you're caught cheating you're banned - end of discussion?
At the end of the day this is a chess site where people come (and pay) to play chess against other people all over the world. If I wanted to play a computer I wouldn't even have connected.
Cheat -> Banned -> End of story.
Originally posted by tlai1992If this was a democratic system, I would vote for you to stay. I do have to say that I would change my name so that the taint of being a cheater doesn't follow me. If you were caught cheating again, it would be end of story though! 🙂
how many people vote for me to stop playing on RHP
how many people vote for a second chance.
im interested in the truth.
~ Cheshire Cat 😀
Originally posted by LordOfTheChessboardWell he hasn't really admitted he cheated, he's blamed his 'brother'.
i think tlai deserves a second chance, since he's honest in admitting he cheated. And its very unlikely that he will do it again.
Normally, I'm all for second chances, but with Tlai's blatantness, the timing of his 'explanation', and the fact that to maximise adverse affect of his cheating he rollercoasted his rating up and down, I say outahere!
I suppose its all a bit irrelevant now seeing as he ahs been kicked for being under 13. I guess the name was a bit of a giveaway.
Originally posted by LordOfTheChessboardWhere did he admitted he cheated? he blamed his brother after two months of cheating ,and he did it the day that Russ announced the implement of a cheaters policy.
i think tlai deserves a second chance, since he's honest in admitting he cheated. And its very unlikely that he will do it again. But i think woodley shoud be emediatly kicked from the site since he does not even admit to having cheated.
Strange timing uh?
It's pathethic how tlai now search solidariety among other Rhp users after he lied for months.
I hope he will be kicked off,if not for the cheating just for the fact that he's 12 and can't stay.
It's time to take things seriously.