I have general question that may not apply to many, but it does for
To be on the US team, do you have to live in USA, be born in USA, or
to be a citizen of USA?
Since I was born in Finland, grew up in Sweden (and citizen) and live in
Florida (also U.S. citizen), which team would I belong if I would be
allowed to enter the round?
Please, don't hesitate to comment.
Well with the next tourney that we are doing...that really won't have
any relevance...but if we do another "Country" tourney...it would be up
to you..the country you feel closest to...wherever you loyalty would be.
Kinda like I live in Washington now..but I will always be a southerner
since I moved here from South Carolina. Actually you couldn't pay me
to say I am a Northwesterner...hehehe..(psst...don't tell Beck I said
Captain USA