whatever happened to englishness? all i hear from kids nowadays is:
hey dude; instead of good morning young sir
that party was like so cool; instead of the event was a jolly one shared by all
what you been up to buddy; instead of i trust the week has been kind my fellow friend
i come from the ghetto; instead of i come from somerset
amazing; instead of jolly good show old boy
time out; instead of afternoon tea
and finally...
i'm gonna shoot you m****r f****r; instead of that's simply not cricket old boy
bring back englishness... good show, keep it up
Originally posted by eatmybishopRACIST! ðŸ˜
whatever happened to englishness? all i hear from kids nowadays is:
hey dude; instead of good morning young sir
that is like so cool; instead of the event was a jolly one shared by all
what you been up to buddy; instead of i trust the week has been kind my fellow friend
i come from the ghetto; instead of i come from somerset
amazing; inste ...[text shortened]... nstead of that's simply not cricket old boy
bring back englishness... good show, keep it up
Originally posted by eatmybishopWord.
whatever happened to englishness? all i hear from kids nowadays is:
hey dude; instead of good morning young sir
that party was like so cool; instead of the event was a jolly one shared by all
what you been up to buddy; instead of i trust the week has been kind my fellow friend
i come from the ghetto; instead of i come from somerset
amazing ...[text shortened]... nstead of that's simply not cricket old boy
bring back englishness... good show, keep it up
Originally posted by eatmybishopIf I was from Summerset, which I'm not then I could really take offence at that.
[bi come from the ghetto; instead of i come from somerset
Which I won't, because I'm not from there.
But to all who are I'd like to say that this is not a view shared by me, that Summerset is the ghetto.
Originally posted by yo its mei'm glad you're not from there, seeing that you can't even spell it right
If I was from Summerset, which I'm not then I could really take offence at that.
Which I won't, because I'm not from there.
But to all who are I'd like to say that this is not a view shared by me, that Summerset is the ghetto.
Originally posted by Bad wolfDepends on the man. I already had this conversation with you. A stranger one wouldn't get a body hug from me but if I really knew the guy I wouldn't have a problem with it. Believe me.
You sound like a man who wouldn't feel comfortable hugging another man.
BTW: I was just messing with ya.