Originally posted by VargWhy do they bug you so much, I wonder?
Bow ties in the right situation are fine but people who wear them on a daily basis are idiots who desperately want to appear quirky or eccentric.
Only mad scientists should be permitted to wear them, such as Professor Heinz Wolf: http://www.funkypancake.com/blog/stuff/DSC03437-thumb.jpg
Originally posted by AmauroteFootball star Dhani Jones and Justice John Paul Stevens also come to mind, as far as celebrities go.
I hear Tucker Carlson is the only man in the mainland United States currently wearing a bow tie. There was a man called Jim in Haver Springs, Colorado, but he was shot dead in a badger bordello incident last Fall.
Actually, millions of dollars are spent purchasing bow ties in the United States. A lot of men prefer them as a simple matter of taste.