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i apologise to anyone who was upset or annoyed at my previous
posts. I did have a genuine query but admit to over reacting. To set
the record straight i am 17 from Wales and have honestly never been
on RHP before 3 July 2002. I like to play fast and make more
mistakes than good moves although i am a pretty good player. I did
not sleep well last night and have been taught a lesson. If the
majority want me to leave i will, but i would rather have a second
chance. I am nice, my mum is always telling my headmaster that
anyway, lol
sorry again ........Jane

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Apology accepted. I realize that I also over reacted to your original
two posts, and wish to apologize to you for that.

So you know the history, there has been someone (or maybe a string
of jerks cast in the same mold) who shows up every month or two and
starts a little war by a first post that states something people disagree
with, and follow up posts that start to attack the people who disagree.
The attacks are usually against some of the top players here, and
often specifically against Dave/Schliemann.

Your initial posts looked similar enough to those from our resident
troublemaker(s) that I at least thought you were a reincarnation. I
stand corrected.

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Jane, I hope you enjoy your stay here.
If you want a game anytime,just let me know.

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I would accept your apology in a heartbeat.

Don't know what you did, but to me, if it was just verbal (as in a post)
it can certainly be forgiven and forgotten. I have yet to meet the
perfect soul in this world. Besides, you haven't been on the earth long
enough to make as many mistakes as I have!

Please take solace in that and realize mistakes make great teachers
(that often embarrass the heck out of us)... 🙂

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Thank you, i am finding that there a lot of nice friendly people here
too. Ever wanted to turn back the clock?

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Oh, so many times!! Knowing what I know now, as they say... 🙂

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Apology accepted by me.

Play here...have fun...make some friends..since there are a ton of
great people here.

And as for the whole reason this started I can only say the rules are
how they are..if you don't want to play with anyone that uses books
then just state that in your profile...I think somebody mentioned that
already...and I am sure that people will respect your feelings upon

Respect is what we are trying to keep here...this place has gotten alot
bigger since I joined a year ago...and trust me...I have been one of
the many that has offended someone in the forums...it happens
alot..most of the time just an off handed comment.

We all should remember that joking with someone is one
thing...attacking a person is another...and when we have a topic that
we want to discuss we should stay on topic and not resort to belittling
anyone's intelligence, sex, sexual preference, race, creed, religion etc..

Everyone here has the right of freedom of speech...according to the
guidlines of this forum...and that was set up by the same people that
set up this site...two very intelligent and underpaid people.

I just try to promote and do my best to keep the peace....as well as
play a decent game of chess here and there.

No one is asking you to leave...that is for sure...I being the first to
say please don't.

I hope this all is forgotten by all...once again a brief moment in life
that just shows we are all human and not perfect...me being the first
to say I will never be perfect.

Captain USA

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stay. and sin no more. sin.

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Thank you!!


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Don't apologise - that argument was the best thing on the forum for
ages. Do you speak any pictish by the way?

Seriously though, it's no bad thing to challenge the basis for rules now
and then. The rules of correspondence chess are not about to be
shaken to their foundations by a couple of arsey postings on RHP, but
a bit of stirring never did any harm. How about this for a conundrum.
What if you didn't use a programme to make your own moves, but did
use it to predict the opponent's response? Where does that leave you
on the overall cheat league table?

I've never done this incidentally - sounds far, far too much hassle to
me - but I just thought I'd throw it open for debate.


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Rich,It cant be right.What if it pointed out a blunder.

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Morse Code,Sin?

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... _ _ _ ...

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You will expect me to join evening classes to lean semafore next.

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