happenn to be a very bad person ...obviously off the
board more than on.
As for "meeting the challenge" ...there is no one here I cannot
beat...but I will not play you..I do not think you can handle being on
the losing side of being "beat".
You have beaten enough people from what I hear.
it is true i have beaten many off the board. im a judo instructor i have
the trophies to prove it! but i perfer to play chess now a days! i can
handle being beaten at chess as many a fine player will vouch! my
nick has been beaten many times. i respect those who have done
this! so my chess isnt perfect! i might be able to suggest to you some
nicks here that will present you with your ultimate challenge! ive
studied your style of play. i think you are good!! thats why i challenge
you!! maybe some other time!