Originally posted by citigroupGoogle for Exeter Chess Club.
I am a new member,
I have a growing interrest for Chess, I know the basics but I never played much and would like to learn, where should I start from ? Learnings the opennings maybe, does someone could give me some URLs where I could learn about these for FREE.
Originally posted by dylDyl we are discussing chess here if you need advice on your personal life PM me. I am sorry to here you that are having some mating problems Dylan,but that is quite understandable being an Aussie and all. Now us South African males hardly ever have any problems of that sort.
Learn opening principals, mate, but don't study them in depth. It's pointless at most levels, and boring besides. Tactics are the go. You shouldn't have much trouble finding some mating problems over the net. They're much more fun, and beneficial.
PM me Dyl,I will give you a few tips.....
Sorry,I read further and I see that you find mating problems fun and beneficial,each to its own I always say.
Originally posted by Dr. BrainROTFL!
Dyl we are discussing chess here if you need advice on your personal life PM me. I am sorry to here you that are having some mating problems Dylan,but that is quite understandable being an Aussie and all. Now us South African males hardly ever have any problems of that sort.
PM me Dyl,I will give you a few tips.....
Sorry,I read further and I see that you find mating problems fun and beneficial,each to its own I always say.
Gets my rec
Originally posted by Dr. BrainThat's hardly surprising, Johan, considering the quality of the women over there. Unfortunately, unlike you guys, we need to do more than buy a girl one beer; even considering the fact our beer is obviously much better than its South African cousin.
Now us South African males hardly ever have any problems of that sort.
Two usually suffices, though even that's not always a sure thing. Hmm...in fact, if our beaches weren't also much better than yours, I might consider moving.
(By the way, Johan, not bad, not bad! I recced you too, but only because I feel sorry for you. Aussie recs are also much better than yours)