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Calling out the lefties

Calling out the lefties


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I am just interested to know how many left-handers are out there in rhp.There seems to be a report I read about how lefties have more imagination and righties have more analystical thinking.

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I'm "sinister".

There are quite a few web sites about being left-handed, and the horrible things that have been done and said about us over the years.

Try typing "left handed people" into a search engine, and you may be able to find some facts and figures.

I was always told when I was young that left handed people used the right hand side of their brain, and vice versa!!!
Never did look into if that was true or not.

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lefty here.

lefties = creative, subjective
righties = analytical, self-righteous 😏

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I play golf and cricket left handed. For everything else I'm righthanded.

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That's strange, I play squash, cricket (basically anything with a racquet or bat) right handed. I catch right handed, but I throw left handed. I also write with my left hand, but I'm pretty good with my right as well.

I'm not quite ambidextrous, though.

As per my previous post, with right handed people using the left side of their brain and vice-versa - what part of the brain do ambi-dextrous people use??????????

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Originally posted by Favs
That's strange, I play squash, cricket (basically anything with a racquet or bat) right handed. I catch right handed, but I throw left handed. I also write with my left hand, but I'm pretty good with my right as well.

I'm not quite amb ...[text shortened]... rsa - what part of the brain do ambi-dextrous people use??????????
You,ve got company in me.I too write left-handed bowl with left-hand but I bat in cricket with a right-hand and play table-tennis with right hand.This extends to pretty many things.I suppose the right hand is a sort of power hand in our cases and the left hand is the dexterous machine which is used for things requiring fine manipulation.
Regarding left-handers in general they do very well in sports.One person out of 10 is a left-handers but you see too many cricket teams having up to 7 people as lefties.I suppose left handers have the advantage that right handers find it axward to play against them.And it is also found that they have an advantage in being able to visualize things better.
I read an amusing account that left-handers are also more likely to be left-wingers 😛
Anyone has an idea about how lefties fare in chess??.

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Umm, well, I lost my first four games! And I think I'm well on my way to getting hammered in my next six!!!!

But I'm not that competitive so I don't really mind!

Another point about left handers: we're well famous!

Alexander the Great
Babe Ruth
Joan of Arc (probably, but not confirmed)
Mark Spitz
Marvin Hagler
Jerry Seinfeld
Christian Slater
Telly Savalas
Harpo Marx

I could go on, and on, and on!!!! (I usu. do!)

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Ha - I just found out that there is a Clan on this site for Left Handed players!

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im left, but one of the things i remember as a youth, was getting shouted at as i couldnt use a taty pealer , i know why now and have a left handed one??

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You got shouted at because you couldn't peel potatoes????

Nothing personal in this statement, but you sure must have had a tough upbringing!

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Originally posted by Favs

As per my previous post, with right handed people using the left side of their brain and vice-versa - what part of the brain do ambi-dextrous people use??????????[/b]
its not that lefties only use the right side of the brain; it js means that their right side is stronger. the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body and vice versa. so ambidextrous ppl wd have equally strong sides of the brain (simplified bt basically true) 🙂


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My tongue was firmly stuck in my cheek (the left one!) with that post!


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Lefty here.

I play bass guitar lefty and violin righty.


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me too . i .....errr...uuuhhh.....mmmmmhh...... well lets say i write with my left hand . :-)

thank you.

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How many left handed people are also right footed? Like me?

Also why are left handed guitars more expensive than right handed ones?

Why are knives always sharpened in the wrong direction for lefties (unless you pay more for a double edged or get one sharpened yourself)


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