my little bro, (Rowan) is in 11th grade and seems to never hand in work on the date that he's supose to!!!!
so knowing me, i offerd to help him just this once but i havent got a clue where to find all the infomation.
i would really appreciate any help provided!!!
he has a project that is due for tommorow (Monday)
his assignment is as follows
Choose a natural disaster that has occured anywhere in the world:
(besides the tsunami)
1. Discuss how it occurs
2. Draw diagrams to support your answers
3.What precautionary measures can be taken to reduce the damage
4.Draw a map of the area in which this disaster occurred
PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!
i have tried to find info, but its just not what he needs!!
i swear im going to kill the bugger one day!!!
today he shall live cause i promised the poor boy!!!
Originally posted by the dominatorEver hear of google?
my little bro, (Rowan) is in 11th grade and seems to never hand in work on the date that he's supose to!!!!
so knowing me, i offerd to help him just this once but i havent got a clue where to find all the infomation.
i would really appreciate any help provided!!!
he has a project that is due for tommorow (Monday)
his assignment is as follows
...[text shortened]... ear im going to kill the bugger one day!!!
today he shall live cause i promised the poor boy!!!
A quick google for "how do hurricanes work" resulted in a few good links...
Originally posted by gambit3i told him that he will be nothing in life, if he just simply play's video games and forgets his homework!!!
He is in the 11 th. grade. He is about 17 years of age? Tell him what the Boss thinks about people coming in late and not finishing the work.
im not a good example, im on RHP every dam opportunity i get at work, sometimes i even skip my smoke break!!! it addictive man!!!
(pun intended)
A few decades back, there were some people sleeping in a campground on the Madison River, near the Wyoming/Montana border in the U.S. A slice of the hillside above them broke loose and slid downhill, damming the river and burying the people so deeply that nobody has even tried to dig down to recover the bodies. I have not tried to search for this on the Net, but no doubt there is something on it.