Originally posted by biligesleageCarbon Footprint - How much carbon each person causes to be emitted into the atmosphere through their daily living. ie driving cars, using electricity at home etc.
Just want to get a thread going on carbon footprints...you guys know what it is? And what is your opinion on how to get this planet carbon neutral?
Most carbon neutral plans are based on people buying "Carbon offsets" whereby you figure out how much carbon you are emitting when you take a plane ride from the fuel the jet uses and then pay a company to plant trees that will absorb that amount of carbon.
Carbon offsets are largely a joke because most studies have shown this only works if you plant the trees in a narrow border around the equator. Carbon cycles in subtropical and areas where trees are most likely to be planted end up being pretty evenly balanced so the benefits over time are dubious.
The only way to really go Carbon Neutral is to get off our dependency on oil. Good luck with that one.
Originally posted by biligesleageThe way things are going as they are, it seems things are going to get really fudged up even if we did try and do something. :'(
Just want to get a thread going on carbon footprints...you guys know what it is? And what is your opinion on how to get this planet carbon neutral?
Originally posted by biligesleageIt's too late, most of the damage done is irreparable. The countries churning out the most pollution won't stop because their economy is built on the industries that pollute. If they cleaned up their act then all the middle-class muppets prancing around in their carbon-neutral clubs wouldn't be able to afford their ultimately futile carbon-neutral lifestyle.
Just want to get a thread going on carbon footprints...you guys know what it is? And what is your opinion on how to get this planet carbon neutral?
Screw the kids and their future. By the time they're old enough to understand how badly we've f'ed the planet, we'll be too old to care. Lets enjoy while we can.
Originally posted by Daemon SinWould be funny if it wasn't so true...
It's too late, most of the damage done is irreparable. The countries churning out the most pollution won't stop because their economy is built on the industries that pollute. If they cleaned up their act then all the middle-class muppets prancing around in their carbon-neutral clubs wouldn't be able to afford their ultimately futile carbon-neutral lifesty ...[text shortened]... stand how badly we've f'ed the planet, we'll be too old to care. Lets enjoy while we can.
... I'm off to chop down a few trees.
Originally posted by Daemon Sinyep - the us refuses to cut carbon emissions, why should china and india slow down their development?
It's too late, most of the damage done is irreparable. The countries churning out the most pollution won't stop because their economy is built on the industries that pollute. If they cleaned up their act then all the middle-class muppets prancing around in their carbon-neutral clubs wouldn't be able to afford their ultimately futile carbon-neutral lifesty ...[text shortened]... stand how badly we've f'ed the planet, we'll be too old to care. Lets enjoy while we can.
we're screwed.
I have made a start on cleaning up my act.
Since doing so I can see a big difference in my energy bills, I have gone from £120 a month on gas and electric to £53 (and that is over winter).
Also, and this has nothing do with my carbon footprint, I have stopped putting up with so-called highly intelligent folk who think that animals don’t feel pain, I don’t want your crappy products.
I am going to take the time to know what I am buying and how it got on the shelf.
It’s the co-op shop from now on.
You may think the above is slightly harsh, but in my shallow little life it’s the only way I can protest and nobody cares anyway.