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Celebrities who play chess

Celebrities who play chess


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I'm always interested when I learn that a celebrity I admire plays chess, or if I hadn't admired them, I may start paying more attention. Here are some that I know of:

Humphrey Bogart: Highly skilled, but recreational only?

Stanley Kubrick: Also highly skiled, he was known to hustle chess games for money in NYCs Washington Square park when he was out of work.

Lennox Lewis: Brit boxer who is said to play hours of chess a day, in combination with his physical training, in order to hone his tactical/strategic skills. I don't know how good he is.

Nelly: Grew up playing street chess in St. Louis, he would play chess with his band mates (from the St. Lunatics) after shows in order to avoid the whole sex/drugs/rock'n roll lifestyle. Apparently he is the best of his group.

David Spade: Made fun of in high school for his small stature, and.... chess playing abilities!! Channeled all this into a career as a comedian. I don't know how good he is, either.

Ashton Kutcher: Really! The pretty boy from that 70's Show. All I know is that it is one of his 3 main hobbies (Golf, Chess, Video Games), which I learned while reading a 17 mag at the dentist office. Apparently, he can 'blow away whomever he plays'.

John Wayne: Amateur. Could beat up on people who only play casually, but falls to more experienced players.

Wo are some others that you guys know about? I'm more interested in current, living celebrities, and/or interesting stories from past stars. Thanks!

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Would you believe Karol Wojtyla, pope John Paul II ?

Here is the proof: Gary Kasparov and Raymond Keene: Batsford Chess Openings August 1988 page 51, note 15.

" 4. Kf3 g6 (4 ... h6 5 Bh4 e6 6 e4 g5 ! Zartobliwy-Wojtyla, * Cracow 1946) 5 e3 Bg7 etc. ... ".

* later John Paul II

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Originally posted by ivanhoe
Would you believe Karol Wojtyla, pope John Paul II ?

Here is the proof: Gary Kasparov and Raymond Keene: Batsford Chess Openings August 1988 page 51, note 15.

" 4. Kf3 g6 (4 ... h6 5 Bh4 e6 6 e4 g5 ! Zartobliwy-Wojtyla, * Cracow 1946) 5 e3 Bg7 etc. ... ".

* later John Paul II

you know that star eddie anders he is so good nobody will play him😉

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Sol Campbell (England international footballer) organised chess tournements during the last World Cup apparently, as a way of relaxing and getting in the right mental state for games. Don't know how good he is - as a strategy it didn't really work.


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I think that Madonna and her husband Guy Ritchie know how to play chess.
Sting has already played a game against Gary Kasparov in New York (June 2000).


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How do wwe know that these celebrities aren't in this pile of chess-players, infiltrating the normal world ... (gives shifty looks to everyone...)

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I was fortunate enough to help from a few celebrities in the MAP war days... 😉


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Originally posted by Mad Cowan

Nelly: ... in order to avoid the whole sex/drugs/rock'n roll lifestyle.
You've got to be kidding.
Why else would you want to become a singer? 😉

BTW, rock 'n roll lifestyle?? Nelly??

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Arnold Schwarzenegger apparently enjoys playing fairly often. There's an article below covering a social meeting between him and Kasparov.


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Originally posted by dyl
Arnold Schwarzenegger apparently enjoys playing fairly often. There's an article below covering a social meeting between him and Kasparov.

I wonder if Maria plays. Maria, if you are on this site, the Apostles would like to provide you with an honorary spot on our site. Rev. Kirk

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Originally posted by kirksey957
I wonder if Maria plays. Maria, if you are on this site, the Apostles would like to provide you with an honorary spot on our site. Rev. Kirk

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Originally posted by kirksey957
I wonder if Maria plays. Maria, if you are on this site, the Apostles would like to provide you with an honorary spot on our site. Rev. Kirk
You would take Skelator into your clan? Well, she would be a scary enough mascot. 🙄

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Originally posted by Mad Cowan
Ashton Kutcher: Really! The pretty boy from that 70's Show. All I know is that it is one of his 3 main hobbies (Golf, Chess, Video Games), which I learned while reading a 17 mag at the dentist office. Apparently, he can 'blow away whomever he plays'.

You forgot Ashton's most important hobbie...Demi Moore.😀

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Originally posted by willatkins
You forgot Ashton's most important hobbie...Demi Moore.😀
ahh demi moore i would take her anyway never mind in our clans.😲

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Originally posted by Rhymester
I was fortunate enough to help from a few celebrities in the MAP war days... 😉

thats brilliant andrew i had a right good laugh there.😀

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