since i joined this wonderful site.. i have been stuck infront of the monitor for hours on end.. need to do work, clean up my messy house, visit friends, read.. have a life...!!!
I even eat while am playing.. i just need a have a rest, i must have pressed F5 to refresh the page more than a thousand times already..
am sure many are in the same boat - or am i the only one, don't say it!!!! - (and had previous threads about this) but chess, the forum, this site.. is it a gift... or a curse??!
"There is a class of men who gather in coffee-houses and play
with a desire that dieth not, and a fire that is not quenched.
The passion for playing chess is one of the most unaccountable in
the world. It is the most absorbing of occupations, the least
satisfying of desires, an aimless excrescence upon life. It
annihilates a man.
"You have, let us say, a promising politician, a rising artist
that you wish to destroy. Dagger or bomb are archaic, clumsy, and
unreliable -- but teach him, inoculate him with chess!"
-- H.G. Wells
Originally posted by demonseedso in summery;
Nah I am an alcoholic, compulsive gambling, sex addicted, drug using, ummm errrr ... like ... tea drinker and I still have to play chess all day!!!!!!!
ps I also drink 400 cups of tea a day, one time I NEARLY DROWNED!
pps This post is not a cry for help.
ppps I would just cry "HELP!"
the key to successful game of chess & floods of pi$$ is all wrapped up in the mug of tea? claaaaaaaasss!!