A good selection can be found here:
Three of my favourites:-
"Of chess it has been said that life is not long enough for it, but that
is the fault of life, not chess."
-- Irving Chernev
"When you see a good move -- wait -- look for a better one."
"To avoid losing a piece, many a person has lost the game."
The Sciurophile
Smash,you have to be careful what you post here(I learnt to my cost).
Harri will have some of this.
Tal died at an early age.Addiction(without looking it up{just chatting}).
The more I look at these things:There is a pattern:Creative people
are vunerable to anything addictive.Might be something in that side of
the brain.Alcohol is addictive.Playing on this site is addictive.People
should not try to pen things into this or that.It is no cop out if Dave
and my Addittive personality disorder(APD),is alchol.Someone's might
be gambling-something that never entertained me.Anyone at any
time can get addicted to anything.
I don't want any flames.
Jane is a gobby kid(her brother's words not mine)
I will not say anything to hurt Jane,But
Am I addicted to chess, of course I am, but I play 95% blitz, I cannot
not spent the time to think, I got to work also!
Or were you refering to me "show-up"?
Of course, I drink too, mostly good wine, but some beer!
Good "Luck" this weekend, I will probably not play until Saturday or
Sunday next time. It's Thanksgiving Holiday and I have to drive via
Orlando to Miami from Jacksonville. It is about 900 miles.
Harri / Luck