I checked my rating yesterday, and noticed that I was sandwiched
between "rjbm17" and "Three Figs", two people who have never
actually played a chess game here at RHP. Rather, what these folk do
is create multiple nicks and play them against each other to artificially
boost the rating of a favorite nick. "Three Figs" for instance, is rated
1650. He's played 83 (four move check mate) games against his
other nicks like "two figs" or "nine figs". So in a fit of pique I fire off
some feedback to Chris and Russ and ask them to do something
about this. Now, of course, I realize that it was just my own ego being
out of whack and that I shouldn't really care about what these cats are
doing with their free time. But the thought that rjbm17 was headed
for the top twenty was unstomachable. Anyway, I wake up this
morning and check out rjbm17 and, voila, all his nicks' ratings have
been placed back at 1200. WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Chris and
Russ! When I get my next paycheck, I'm going to buy some of those
RHP mugs and a Hat. I wish I could buy you guys some beer.
They have known about this for awhile and I am TOO happy that
finally something has been done.
I was the first to blow the horn on three figs and his response after he
was found out was "All people on internet chess sites cheat"...this of
course is ludicrous.
I hope anyone else who tries this crap sees that we are watching and it
will not go on for long.
Way to go Chris and Russ...and thanks Bennet for sending that
BTW...too bad the Huskies are playing at The Big House this year
otherwise I would be up to see you and maggoteer and watch my
Wolverines rip some doggy butt!! hehehehe
Go Blue!!
A great deal of thanks is due all of you watchmen on the wall of our
chess kingdom! Ratings are not the world, but those of us who play
honestly (most of us) deserve better than these scheisters who think
they can do anything they want. What's the quote?..."Evil men prosper
when good men do nothing." or something along those lines. Well I
for one thank you for doing something!