It's part of a new feature whereby people will be able to play team chess.
There is a 'Clans' forum which has more information - look for the post from Russ explaining it.
I think the idea is that teams (or clans) will play other teams, and get points which gives them a position in a league.
They already have this feature on so I assumeit will be similar.
There is a neat organization called White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan that you can helps if you have blue eyes, and you get to wear sheets and terrorize races other than your own...don't know if they have a chess club, but if they did, I bet it would be called, what else- "The White Knights"
Originally posted by chancremechanicYes, they are not happy when black wins. Kirk
There is a neat organization called White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan that you can helps if you have blue eyes, and you get to wear sheets and terrorize races other than your own...don't know if they have a chess club, but if they did, I bet it would be called, what else- "The White Knights"
Originally posted by chancremechanicI happento know f the KKK. quite a discusting group😠. raceist in every way possible. It is disucting to even see the name😠😠
There is a neat organization called White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan that you can helps if you have blue eyes, and you get to wear sheets and terrorize races other than your own...don't know if they have a chess club, but if they did, I bet it would be called, what else- "The White Knights"
Originally posted by kirksey957Which probably explains why generals should stick to worrying about armies rather than politics and society at large!
The Ku Klux Klan was the invention of Nathan Bedford Forrest, a Confederate general, regarded as the most brilliant battlefield officer on either side of the Civil War. KIrk
Originally posted by missleadA quote from "Will Campbell and the Soul of the South". "Everytime I give a lecture somewhere or meet with a room full of divinity professors, somebody asks me, "Tell me about your work with the Klan." Hell, I don't have any work with the Klan. Sometimes I try to comfort their families when somebody dies. Maybe preach a funeral. Whenever one of those theologians asks me that, I reply the same way, "I minister to the Klan by emptying their bedpans.' Isn't that what the Bible teaches- about visiting those who are sick and in prison. I never read there that excludes some black militants or the Klan." (p.127)
I don't care who invented it.It is evil.
Campbell argues that the "Good Ole Boy" network of institutional religion has been more detrimental to race relations than the Klan.
Originally posted by kirksey957That's like saying that Hitler was a more brutal fascist dictator than Mussolini was. It may be true, but it doesn't exempt Mussolini from his status of being a brutal fascist dictator in his own right.
...Campbell argues that the "Good Ole Boy" network of institutional religion has been more detrimental to race relations than the Klan.