Coloring Book...
Coloring Book without covers... just crayon thirsty blank pages, so thin they have only one side but include magnets for the refrigerator:
(1) Color all consistent winners with understated shades of staying power and self discipline, with a bold royal blue and gold salute outline.
(2) Color vocal losers (who flash in trite pans or shoot insipid skim milk wads or blip briefly on some garrish screen before their vital signs
mercifully flat line) sad hues of both pity and disdain. (3) Color the invisible/unsung heroes and heroines, nobly holding the fort on main
streets and country lanes around the globe, an awesome respect against a background of maple saplings and sturdy stand of evergreens.
(4) Color RHP all the variations of opportunity, excitement and rainbows. (5) Color Russ & Chris creative and reliable. (6) And gb grateful.
(7) _____________