18 Feb 21
@phil-a-dork saidSounds like you were obviously not well supervised! 😉
Lawn darts.
Many a kid took one in the head 😔
18 Feb 21
@phil-a-dork saidLOL....I am sure the burn was severe on a toy bake oven! 😉
Easy Bake Oven.
I got burned a few times 😔
@very-rusty saidthat's what all the kids used
If you use rocks as ammunition it becomes a weapon for sure!
Marbles were better in the slingshot if you couldn't afford ball bearings.
I would cook a marble and then drop it in cold water which would cause it to fracture but stay together. Then when you used it in a slingshot it would shatter when you hit something. 😉
@lemondrop saidYup, it was dangerous. I almost put my cousin's eye out, hit him just above the eye.
that's what all the kids used
That put an end to the sling shots.