19 Sep 12
nonsequitors, misdirects, irrelevant comments, misleads, distractions, diverts
post a response that changes the direction in a non-productive, non-meaningful, non-informative - no, make that unproductive, meaningless, and misinformative comment
Beginning: There is intelligence and relevance in this posting. Reading this thread will improve the ability to think critically, relate to others, and gain a greater understanding of nature
19 Sep 12
Originally posted by coquetteWell said.
nonsequitors, misdirects, irrelevant comments, misleads, distractions, diverts
post a response that changes the direction in a non-productive, non-meaningful, non-informative - no, make that unproductive, meaningless, and misinformative comment
Beginning: There is intelligence and relevance in this posting. Reading this thread will improve the ability to think critically, relate to others, and gain a greater understanding of nature
Originally posted by coquetteMust read-no, make that an imperative read. This means you!
nonsequitors, misdirects, irrelevant comments, misleads, distractions, diverts
post a response that changes the direction in a non-productive, non-meaningful, non-informative - no, make that unproductive, meaningless, and misinformative comment
Beginning: There is intelligence and relevance in this posting. Reading this thread will improve the ability to think critically, relate to others, and gain a greater understanding of nature