12 Mar 23
1. On the first date, the man deliberately mispronounces a word repeatedly and waits to see if the woman says something about it. If she does, he makes an excuse and leaves. No way is he going to get involved with a woman who's going to correct him.
* This is a story I heard about a prominent politician in the U.S.
2. The host invites three people out on the same date and they all sit at a table as a foursome. The host then sits back and watches the three dates interact in their efforts to curry favour with him or her. When he or she has made a decision, the host tells two of them to go home.
@fmf saidI would suspect in this scenario that the 'host' would be eating alone as soon as the other 3 realized what was happening.
2. The host invites three people out on the same date and they all sit at a table as a foursome. The host then sits back and watches the three dates interact in their efforts to curry favour with him or her. When he or she has made a decision, the host tells two of them to go home.
People like to feel special you see.
12 Mar 23
@fmf saidSome men are pussies who don't like to be challenged by a woman.
1. On the first date, the man deliberately mispronounces a word repeatedly and waits to see if the woman says something about it. If she does, he makes an excuse and leaves. No way is he going to get involved with a woman who's going to correct him.
* This is a story I heard about a prominent politician in the U.S.
@a-unique-nickname saidPeople like to feel special you see.
I would suspect in this scenario that the 'host' would be eating alone as soon as the other 3 realized what was happening.
People like to feel special you see.
He could emphasize that a shag was in the offing for one of them.
12 Mar 23
@a-unique-nickname saidI wonder if he has the makings of a good president.
Some men are pussies who don't like to be challenged by a woman.
@the-gravedigger saidI see what you did there.
Some may not be impressed by the chance to obtain a carpet with a long pile, some coarse cut tobacco or a goose sized bird.
12 Mar 23
@the-gravedigger said4. "Now, darling, when I say a shag is in the offing, I do NOT mean a carpet with a long pile, some coarse-cut tobacco, or a goose-sized bird."
Some may not be impressed by the chance to obtain a carpet with a long pile, some coarse cut tobacco or a goose sized bird.
The Gravedigger Gambit.