Originally posted by cmsMasterIt is a much tougher game than it looks. It is also fairly expensive to play even without joining a country club. But it is a helluva game. It is great when you are scoring and it is the pits when you are not. The pros make the game look easy, and even they have difficulties. You ought to try it, especially if they will give you some kind of discounted play rate.
IDK, I guess because I work at a Country club and almost everybody there golfs. It's really the first time I've even considered golfing - but it seems fun if you don't take it too serious.
Originally posted by shortcircuitI can play for free at the Country Club.
It is a much tougher game than it looks. It is also fairly expensive to play even without joining a country club. But it is a helluva game. It is great when you are scoring and it is the pits when you are not. The pros make the game look easy, and even they have difficulties. You ought to try it, especially if they will give you some kind of discounted play rate.
Originally posted by shortcircuitYes, give it a try. And like Shorty said in an earlier post, it looks much more easy than it really is. Like hitting a baseball. Very subtle mistakes make big mistakes. Isn't chess a bit like that?
You ought to give it a try. I promise you, you will either hate it or you will be hooked on it. Not really any in between on that game.
I used to love to golf but it got over ran here in the Pacific Northwest. People here can be a little rude. I miss it but I don't miss it.