@the-gravedigger saidBehind every bog-standard social-media-averse man, there is a Great Woman.
Occasionally I will get my wife to log into hers so I can look at these.
TU from me, Pondy. Furthermore, Zuck is a scoundrel who shirks responsibility and monetarizes children. I despise him and boycott his products.
RE anonymous posting; Zuck doesn’t care who posts what; he never takes responsibility for content. The only thing he cares about is the number of connections, which translates into money in his pocket. If he thinks he can attract more people by offering anonymous posting, he’ll offer anonymous posting. If he thought cats could operate the UI, he’d monetarize cats with a feline FB.
-Removed-Anonymous thumbs lack content, but refer to a non-anonymous post which has content. Anonymous posts have content. That’s a significant difference. If someone anonymously posts incitement to violence, for example, the post should not only be deleted, but the poster banned. This will be possible only if, behind the UI, site admin can still identify the user.