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Favourite Red Dwarf Line

Favourite Red Dwarf Line


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For me it has to be in relation to Rimmer wanting to move to Red Alert, the repsonse comes from Kryten:

"Are you absolutlely sure Sir? It does mean changing the bulb...."

Totally priceless.................

Any other fave gems?

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Ya mine was when they were all around the"casket" and Dopey said"I think I saw her breathing".Oh wait that was Cinderella sorry.

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Originally posted by Lazerblue
For me it has to be in relation to Rimmer wanting to move to Red Alert, the repsonse comes from Kryten:

"Are you absolutlely sure Sir? It does mean changing the bulb...."

Totally priceless.................

Any other fave gems?
I'm a proud Dwarfer 🙂

Well, we know what to get you for Christmas. A double labotomy and six rolls of rubber wallpaper. "
Rimmer in quarintine


smoke me a kipper..i'll be back for breakfast.. Ace Rimmer

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Ace Rimmer is classic. But my favorite line is from the Cat:

"I'm so pretty, I make men wet!"

(edit: I have a terrible memory, but the above sounds about right...)

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'As the days go by, we face the increasing inevitability that we are alone in a Godless, uninhabited, hostile and meaningless universe...

...Still, you've got to laugh haven't you?'

- Holly

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"Dwayne Dibley?"

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Arnold JUDAS Rimmer LOL

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Rimmer: "Erm, I think we're losing sight of the real issue here, which is 'What are we gonna call ourselves?' Erm, and I think it comes down to a choice between 'The League Against Salivating Monsters' or my own personal preference, which is 'The Committee for the Liberation and Integration of Terrifying Organisms and their Rehabilitation Into Society'. Erm, one drawback with that - the abbreviation is 'CLITORIS'."

I cheated on this one


for more quotes

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A fantastic plan Sir, with only two real drawbacks - First, we don't have any laser canons and second, we don't have any laser canons. Now, I relaise that on the face of it that only seems like one drawback, but I thought it was such a big one, it was worth mentioning twice........

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Had to look this up to get it right, but

"So let me get this straight. You want to fly on a magic carpet to see the King of the potato people? And plead with him for your freedom? And you're telling me you're completely sane?"

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Originally posted by mikenay
Had to look this up to get it right, but

"So let me get this straight. You want to fly on a magic carpet to see the King of the potato people? And plead with him for your freedom? And you're telling me you're completely sane?"
From the same episode:

"Mr Flibble's very cross."

Why oh why did they think replacing Rimmer with Kochanski was a good idea? Oh well, Red Dwarf was great while the ideas lasted...

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Originally posted by Acolyte
From the same episode:

"Mr Flibble's very cross."

Why oh why did they think replacing Rimmer with Kochanski was a good idea? Oh well, Red Dwarf was great while the ideas lasted...
agree...and not even the clare grogan kochanski!

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Kryten (defending Rimmer):This man is not guilty of manslaughter. He's only guilty of being Arnold J. Rimmer. That is his crime. It is also his punishment.

Kryten: Sir, I beg you to reconsider. If not for your sanity, you haven't even considered the moral implications of your decision. You will be joining a society where you will be compelled to have sex with beautiful, brilliant women, twice daily, on demand. Now, am I really the only one here who finds that just a little bit tacky?…[pause]…apparently I am.

What about blackadder quotes?

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I have a cunning plan.

Nothing else need be said.

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* shamefaced RHPer says:

"I have never seen Red Dwarf. It seems popular - should I bother broadening my horizons?"

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