I was at a kid's birthday party yesterday, and I heard someone refer to the bags they give out at the end as "fun bags". Probably would have been better if it was the mom and maybe she said, "I've got fun bags for everyone", but that wasn't the case. Still, I had to laugh.
We always called them "loot bags".
What did you call them?
Also, this looks kinda cool: http://www.baconsalt.com/
Originally posted by rbmorrisparty pouches
I was at a kid's birthday party yesterday, and I heard someone refer to the bags they give out at the end as "fun bags". Probably would have been better if it was the mom and maybe she said, "I've got fun bags for everyone", but that wasn't the case. Still, I had to laugh.
We always called them "loot bags".
What did you call them?
Also, this looks kinda cool: http://www.baconsalt.com/
Originally posted by rbmorrisParty bags or thank you bags.
I was at a kid's birthday party yesterday, and I heard someone refer to the bags they give out at the end as "fun bags". Probably would have been better if it was the mom and maybe she said, "I've got fun bags for everyone", but that wasn't the case. Still, I had to laugh.
We always called them "loot bags".
What did you call them?
Also, this looks kinda cool: http://www.baconsalt.com/
Originally posted by rbmorrisShirt potatoes. . .
I was at a kid's birthday party yesterday, and I heard someone refer to the bags they give out at the end as "fun bags". Probably would have been better if it was the mom and maybe she said, "I've got fun bags for everyone", but that wasn't the case. Still, I had to laugh.
We always called them "loot bags".
What did you call them?
Also, this looks kinda cool: http://www.baconsalt.com/
Originally posted by rbmorrisSweater puppies, milk duds, milk sacs, bajooblies.
I was at a kid's birthday party yesterday, and I heard someone refer to the bags they give out at the end as "fun bags". Probably would have been better if it was the mom and maybe she said, "I've got fun bags for everyone", but that wasn't the case. Still, I had to laugh.
We always called them "loot bags".
What did you call them?
Also, this looks kinda cool: http://www.baconsalt.com/
PS:Bacon Salt. Brilliant and hilarious.
Wow, now I'm feeling even older than I already felt! I'm trying to remember going to birthday parties in ancient history and I actually only remember one -- that was a birthday party for twins, and I must've been 8. Did my mind delete the others or file them away somewhere, or did I lack a social life as a kid? Geez. 😕 I'm just going to assume I've forgotten.
Originally posted by rbmorrisOn women I call them "fun bags". As a kid, at the dime store we called them "grab bags". As an adult I call them... well...
I was at a kid's birthday party yesterday, and I heard someone refer to the bags they give out at the end as "fun bags". Probably would have been better if it was the mom and maybe she said, "I've got fun bags for everyone", but that wasn't the case. Still, I had to laugh.
We always called them "loot bags".
What did you call them?
Also, this looks kinda cool: http://www.baconsalt.com/