I was just having a good old ponder about the world, life and everything, but after 30 seconds, I got bored and started thinking about how to implement the new features I am adding to the site.. (this often happens, just ask my girlfriend. Sorry darling, I do listen to you honest….😉 )
I then had a bit of a penny dropping moment – a lot of work on the site now is not specifically chess related. (for example, the new messenger code). So me thinks, it might be possible to create ‘Son of Pawn’ with out too much effort. A new site would be born (totally new, not just a brand) – and my efforts could benefit more than one site at once.
Now this isn’t me turning my attentions away from the chess site, far from it. As many will know, I have an ambition where I would love to ditch my job (sorry, boss) – and work on this stuff fulltime. And if I had the opportunity to do that, rather than a few hours in the evening when I am tired, I could make this the undisputed champ of the correspondence chess world. (I have every faith in my abilities 😳 ) RHP alone would not allow me to do this, but RHP * 5, might, just make it possible.
Now none of this may happen, but I have a few savings, and I’m at a great position in my life to take a gamble like this….but there is one problem:
What other (turn based) games generates the same level of passion as chess does for everyone here.
Not an easy question to answer.
I would be very interested in your thoughts/ideas.
Aha! Way back when we had that thread on 'Go' I remember you getting quite interested. I was hoping you'd make a post like the one you just made!!
Ever since I came across it in the film "Pi", I've seen peeps become besotted by Go, and have felt the tug myself more than once, Backgammon too.
What's the current state with RHP live? Whether it's part of the site or not I think it could well be a winner. I've played games against vegeta at kasparov.com and games against Danforth and Rein at pogo.com I think it was...and wasn't particularly impressed with either of them (the sites, not the opponents 😉). From previous posts I've got the impression that RHP Live isn't a million miles away from full completion either...
I think Go and Backgammon would work really well 🙂
PS Connect 4 rules
Originally posted by RussThere was a game I used to play some 25 years ago called Diplomacy that seated up to 7 players, and although it was a board game with turns, it was also a game that was being played throughout the States in correspondence circles also.
I was just having a good old ponder about the world, life and everything, but after 30 seconds, I got bored and started thinking about how to implement the new features I am adding to the site.. (this often happens, just ask my girlfriend. Sorry darling, I do listen to you honest….😉 )
I then had a bit of a penny dropping moment – a lot of work on the site ...[text shortened]... Not an easy question to answer.
I would be very interested in your thoughts/ideas.
Originally posted by T1000🙂 I played it many moons ago Mark, It was so long ago I was younger than you are now. Lots of fun though, loads of backstabbing and half-truths. I played it by mail for about a year, so I imagine it could be played online
Oooh yes, Diplomacy. I had a brief fling with it a few months back. I hope the right honourable gentleman doesn't mind me saying so, but I know Acolyte is a big fan too, as well as a couple of other users here (there's a thread on Diplomacy somewhere).
Originally posted by UncleAdamThere are not any dice involved in Diplomacy as there are in Risk Adam. In Diplomacy everybody gets a country in Europe around the time of WWI. You get a few armies and/or navies to put in your country. The 'turns" involve everybody having discussions with each other on where they are going to move, how they will assist each other, form alliances, etc. Of course the fun begins when people break their alliances and go back on their word. Kind of like a typical day at the UN..... anyway, everybody moves at once by writing their moves down on paper and showing them at the same time, this is at best a poor description of the game I'm sure
I'v never played Diplomacy, is it anything like Risk?
If not I think Risk whould be a cool game too play.
For me, the charming thing about correspondence chess is that at 40-ish moves per game, the games usually last less than a few weeks. A game such as "Go" may seem to last forever in such a slow format. Perhaps an obvious suggestion is checkers, though I don't personally know any fanatics for checkers in the same manner as for chess.
Originally posted by godzillionI don't find checkers as interesting as chess. I wonder why you (US) call it 'checkers' and we (UK) call it 'draughts'? Or am I thinking of a different game?
For me, the charming thing about correspondence chess is that at 40-ish moves per game, the games usually last less than a few weeks. A game such as "Go" may seem to last forever in such a slow format. Perhaps an obvious suggestion is checkers, though I don't personally know any fanatics for checkers in the same manner as for chess.
Originally posted by RussRuss, let me say first that you have done an absolutely marvelous job on this site! As a programmer, it blows me away. I can also identify with what you are saying about your need to expand the horizon. I can only add my hope that you get to do your dream. And then the dream after that, and the one after that ... ad infinitum. Or ad astra. (pawn STAR pun... sorry)
I was just having a good old ponder about the world, life and everything, but after 30 seconds, I got bored and started thinking about how to implement the new features I am adding to the site.. (this often happens, just ask my girlfriend. Sorry darling, I do listen to you honest….😉 )
I then had a bit of a penny dropping moment – a lot of work on the site ...[text shortened]... Not an easy question to answer.
I would be very interested in your thoughts/ideas.
How about DoubleDiplomat where every "Player" consists of 5 team members. Each move of the Player would be based on Roberts Rules. Wonderful way to see how good your friends really are with the inevitable power struggle that would develop within the "Player" domain. You could have a feature called "Defection" where if two diplomats from different Player Domains were amenable, they could swap domains. In other words, the poor sots are tired of being outvoted 4 to nil.
My vote is for go and Chinese chess. Good luck with the plan to conquer the correspondance chess world, Russ. IMHO, you've already done it. How about a chess database/tutorials online? I think Diplomacy is a great idea too. I've never played, but I've seen people become totally addicted to it, and it looks like fun.
How about some sort of D&D? I'm a big fan of it, but I can't find a site that really works for online play. It would fairly simple to create I think. All it would really require is a database with set "dice" parameters in alignment with the rules. Individual DM's could create the entire story and world in a forum/messenger setting. The problem I find is in getting around all the players in a particular campaign having to be online at the same time.
I think it could be really fun, but would require a LOT of planning and work. It's an idea. 😀