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geek query


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...when i see a page loading on the net and it is not fully loaded...i always
see this little rectangle that has a red triangle in it and a blue dot and what
looks like a smaller greenish gray dot...it is on all the sites...(1) what is it...
(2) why is it uniform on all sites...( no snotty remarks will be tolerated...i want the real facts and i want them right away on my desk..they really should be there even before i finish uploading this question if you are really a geeky computer know it all...your chance to make be respect you...let's
go gang )...

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Originally posted by reinfeld
...when i see a page loading on the net and it is not fully loaded...i always
see this little rectangle that has a red triangle in it and a blue dot and what
looks like a smaller greenish gray dot...it is on all the sites...(1) what is it...
(2) why is it uniform on all sites...( no snotty remarks will be tolerated...i want the real facts and i want them ...[text shortened]... really a geeky computer know it all...your chance to make be respect you...let's
go gang )...
Your cursor has been replaced? I see the hour-glass when I'm loading...



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...no..noo..noooo...i don't mean the cursor arrow becoming an hourglass..
i mean the page itself...the page per se...when all the data on the page is
loading it does not all load at the same time...bits of little squares appear..sometimes tiny..sometimes bigger...but always the little rectangles with the red triangles inside and the two colored dots...no matter the web
site is out of country or in country...all around the world the same pre=fully
loaded page has the same widgets on it...how come...let's try again boys..

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You mean the squares that show a picture will be there when fully loaded?

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...yes...those...not the indentation of the square itself but the rectangle
that is in the depressed square that has the RED TRIANGLE IN IT WITH THE
BLUE DOT AND THE OTHER GREENISH GRAY DOT ( ...for the 3rd ...that is
third...as in 3333333333...i wanna scream...third time i described it )...

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Originally posted by reinfeld
...no..noo..noooo...i don't mean the cursor arrow becoming an hourglass..
i mean the page itself...the page per se...when all the data on the page is
loading it does not all load at the same time...bits of little squares appear..sometimes tiny..sometimes bigger...but always the little rectangles with the red triangles inside and the two colored dots...no ...[text shortened]... the same pre=fully
loaded page has the same widgets on it...how come...let's try again boys..
What browser?

I used to see red x, still do at home.
With FireFox I see some funky thing like you are talking about.


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...i am using mozilla...( don't lose the net as much as i did with internet
explorer )...

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Ad 1)
It's an indication that something will come ín that spot.
It's the same because then people understand it.

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Its always the same symbol because you have to realize you are not looking at something external to your computer when you load a webpage. The information on a webpage just tells your computer what to display. So when you see a half-loaded website, you are seeing your computer telling you the website isn't loaded, not the website telling you the site isn't loaded yet.

I thik this is what you are tlaking about.

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...no...your all fired....the question is why is there a univseral symbol
( which i will not desribe again ) that appears on the screen...the source
of all the data is streaming from many authors around the globe yet
when the incomplete material is not yet loaded the same image appears
no matter from which original source ( a bank in turkey..a website selling
teapots from vermont, etc. )...how is it that all source material spins thru
this symbol ( at least with mozilla ) before it completes it's image on my
screen ( i really do wanna scream...is there no bill gates among all of you ? )...

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Look at my explaination. Its just your browser telling you the image isn't loaded yet, not the website telling you.

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..ok..so it is a mozilla symbol for "incompleteness" and if i went to explorer or some other browser i would see a different symbol ?...

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HTML scripts are made up of instructions which give the content of a page and instructions which define the layout of that content. Things such as pictures and video clips take longer to transfer to your computer than basic text and layout instructions. Your browser processes layout intructions first then fills in the content afterwards. If any content is unavailable or taking a while to download then a symbol is shown to let you know there should be something there, it's always the same symbol because it is put there by your browser.

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Originally posted by reinfeld
..ok..so it is a mozilla symbol for "incompleteness" and if i went to explorer or some other browser i would see a different symbol ?...

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Originally posted by reinfeld
...a website selling teapots from vermont...
Find any good ones - I could do with a new teapot?

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