Originally posted by KneverKnightYes, all the time now.....
The other week, no, not last week, the other week, the old lady from down the road came and rung my doorbell. She asked me if I had any women she could borrow. Did you ever have a moment of clarity and realized the person you were talking to was absolutely crazy? 🙄
😏 My smily face addition to the discussion
1 : to become absorbed in thought; especially : to turn something over in the mind meditatively and often inconclusively
1 a archaic : to divert the attention of so as to deceive b obsolete : to occupy the attention of : ABSORB c obsolete : DISTRACT, BEWILDER
2 a : to entertain or occupy in a light, playful, or pleasant manner <amuse the child with a story> b : to appeal to the sense of humor of <the joke doesn't amuse me>
I was musing over the word "amusing" and thought it odd; that to
be diverted so one could be deceived, and also interesting that to
be entertained is also something we use the same word for. After
thinking about it, the enterainment industry does seem to get over
on us quite a bit. 😕