Well folks, the June numbers are in (I knew you all couldn't wait any longer, so I ran my tally), and we have a new champion thread killer for the month, genius. May's champ, Tirau Dan, slipped into a tie for third place with dfm65, behind the aforementioned genius, and yours truly (see, I told you so, Jo). Congratulations are also in order for Alpha10 and seraphimvulture who managed to debut this month in the top 10. The entire results for June follow.
The top ten (eleven – since we have three tied for ninth place)
genius - 23
The Plumber - 18
Tirau Dan - 15
dfm65 - 15
Alpha10 - 14
XanthosNZ - 13
jimslyp69 - 10
Moldy Crow - 10
Bowmann - 9
Phlabibit - 9
seraphimvulture - 9
The rest of the pack:
8 – darvlay
7 - angie88, Azeri guy, D43M0N, dale21, Shanshu311, shavixmir
6 - Daemon Sin, Hand of Hecate, jimmyb270, KneverKnight, rhb
5 - marinakatomb, PBE6, Ragnorak, Shiny Knight, the dominator, widget, xs, xxxenophobe
4 - arrakis, AThousandYoung, chessnut57, demonseed, maybeONEday, mokko, ncrosby, Nyxie, Ravello, Siskin, TheBloop, welsharnie
3 - ark13, Aynat, CandyDarling, Chess Moose, Crowley, fiesta, hopscotch, Joe Fist, katty, kellsy, martin williams, mosquitorespect, ravenswood, Ringtailhunter, TRAINS44, Varg
2 - bambee, BigDoggProblem, Black Lung, Boby Fisher, Bosse de Nage, Canadaguy, Chakan, chris stephens, Fat mans revenge, flyUnity, Frank Burns, Freddie2004, GalaxyShield, jimrulz1518, Lex V, Mayharm, N I K, Nordlys, Omnislash, Paul Dirac, Paulie, RBHILL, sjeg, sundream, Wildfire, wucky3
1 - 24, Acolyte, adramforall, Amaurote, Apone, bobbob1056th, Bobla45, CliffLandin, clive59, Coconut, DdV, dweezil, eagles54, elvendreamgirl, ETeach, Favs, flexmore, floodbait, Florrat, FuSoYa, Great Big Stees, helden, howitzer, i cant play chess, invigorate, ivangrice, ivanhoe, jarryd, johnbart, knersis21, lamarrswails, lausey, Marcusr, MIODude, mmanuel, Mr Sardiwal, mwmiller, orfeo, ouroboros, Peachy, phil nutley, Pullhard, redders2000, ROGER THE DODGER, RookRAK, ROOMS2004, royalchicken, RSMA1234, Russ, Sariph00, SbecspeledrX, schakuhr, SirUlrich, skeeter, slightofhand, slimjim, sonhouse, soulby, sparkles, Talem16, TDR1, thecheat2, thefulleffect, Thomas Payne, tmetzler, Toe, tonytiger41, Weadley, willatkins, winning machine, zzxx1
Originally posted by The Plumberonly 2!?!
Well folks, the June numbers are in (I knew you all couldn't wait any longer, so I ran my tally), and we have a new champion thread killer for the month, genius. May's champ, Tirau Dan, slipped into a tie for third place with dfm65, ...[text shortened]... ler, Toe, tonytiger41, Weadley, willatkins, winning machine, zzxx1
I demand a re-count florida style! 😉
Originally posted by The PlumberWhy am I not on there? :'(
Well folks, the June numbers are in (I knew you all couldn't wait any longer, so I ran my tally), and we have a new champion thread killer for the month, genius. May's champ, Tirau Dan, slipped into a tie for third place with dfm65, behind the aforementioned genius, and yours truly (see, I told you so, Jo). Congratulations are also in order for Alpha ...[text shortened]... ulleffect, Thomas Payne, tmetzler, Toe, tonytiger41, Weadley, willatkins, winning machine, zzxx1
Fine I don't care, be like that.😞
Even though I killed a few good threads just like chicken.