I have this packet of food that I want to make up and all the instructions are in German. I put it through the google translate but it dosen't make sense. I know a few people here can speak german so I was hoping someone could help!
Here's the original;
Kartoffel knodel
Packungsinhalt mit dem schneebessen in 3/4 1 kaffes wasser einruhren. Bitter nicht umgekehrt. Den teig (nach belieben) wurzen und 10 Minuten quellen lassen.
Mit angefeucheten Handen etwa 12 Knodel formen und in kochendes saltzwasser geben. Kurs aufkochen und bei geoffnetem Topf bei schwacher Hitze etwa 20 minuten ziehen lassen.
Here's what google thinks;
potato dumplings
Package contents with the snow lying around in 3 / 4 water 1 coffee Einruhr. Bitter not vice versa. Let the dough (at will) and 10 minutes Wurzen sources.
Shape with hands angefeucheten about 12 dumplings and drop them into boiling saltzwasser. Course and take minutes at the boil unopened pot over low heat for about 20 let.
Dose that mean- poor the packet into a 3/4 litre of cold water and allow the water to be obsorbed for 10 minutes, then form into 12 and drop into a pan of salted boiling water for 20 minutes?
Originally posted by yo its me"Heat and eat."
I have this packet of food that I want to make up and all the instructions are in German. I put it through the google translate but it dosen't make sense. I know a few people here can speak german so I was hoping someone could help!
Here's the original;
Kartoffel knodel
Packungsinhalt mit dem schneebessen in 3/4 1 kaffes wasser einruhre ...[text shortened]... for 10 minutes, then form into 12 and drop into a pan of salted boiling water for 20 minutes?
Originally posted by yo its mehttp://foodiewife-kitchen.blogspot.com/2010/01/zwiebel-schweinebraten-mit-kartffel.html
I have this packet of food that I want to make up and all the instructions are in German. I put it through the google translate but it dosen't make sense. I know a few people here can speak german so I was hoping someone could help!
Here's the original;
Kartoffel knodel
Packungsinhalt mit dem schneebessen in 3/4 1 kaffes wasser einruhre ...[text shortened]... for 10 minutes, then form into 12 and drop into a pan of salted boiling water for 20 minutes?
Originally posted by yo its meIt says, you vill make theez dumplinks, unt you vill like it!! Or ve haf vays of makink you. 😛
I have this packet of food that I want to make up and all the instructions are in German. I put it through the google translate but it dosen't make sense. I know a few people here can speak german so I was hoping someone could help!
Here's the original;
Kartoffel knodel
Packungsinhalt mit dem schneebessen in 3/4 1 kaffes wasser einruhre ...[text shortened]... for 10 minutes, then form into 12 and drop into a pan of salted boiling water for 20 minutes?
Originally posted by yo its meWell, I can't blame even Google for failing to translate so buggy a text. I don't know if they're your typos or the manufacturer's - and I certainly wouldn't rule out the latter, having once had some firecrackers which, according to the badly-translated Dutch on the package, one should "not hold in the dog"!
I have this packet of food that I want to make up and all the instructions are in German. I put it through the google translate but it dosen't make sense. I know a few people here can speak german so I was hoping someone could help!
Here's the original;
Kartoffel knodel
Packungsinhalt mit dem schneebessen in 3/4 1 kaffes wasser einruhre ...[text shortened]... for 10 minutes, then form into 12 and drop into a pan of salted boiling water for 20 minutes?
In fact, some of the typos do seem rather typical of a botch-job translation done by a Dutchman or Pole who thinks he speaks German, and is wrong. And someone, somewhere - probably the printer somewhere in China - has dropped all the umlauts. No, they're not there just for decoration, no matter what Mertley Creeeue may think. Leaving them out does reduce legibility, especially for computers. They change the pronunciation, and in a few cases, leaving an umlaut out would change the meaning of a word. In your text, though, it just changes words to non-words.
However, here's what it should probably(!) look like in German:
Packungsinhalt mit dem Schneebesen in 3/4 l kaltes Wasser einrühren. Bitte nicht umgekehrt. Den Teig (nach belieben) würzen und 10 Minuten quellen lassen.
Mit angefeucheten Handen etwa 12 Knödel formen und in kochendes Salzwasser geben. Kurz aufkochen und bei geoffnetem Topf bei schwacher Hitze etwa 20 minuten ziehen lassen.
And translated:
Potato dumplings
Stir package contents into about 3/4 l cold water with a whisk. Please not the other way around (and no, I don't know what they mean by that). Season the dough (to taste) and let steep for 10 minutes.
Shape with moistened hands into about 12 dumplings and drop them into boiling salted water. Boil briefly on a high heat, then continue to boil for about 20 minutes over low heat in an uncovered pan.
So yes, your own re-translation was about right.
Mind you, it's hardly more trouble to make your own from freshly boiled spuds. Add an egg yolk for colour and richness. Then again, you have the package anyway, so you might as well use it.
Originally posted by Shallow BlueThey mean don't try to pour the water over the water contents, since you will end up with a mess 🙂
Potato dumplings
Stir package contents into about 3/4 l cold water with a whisk. Please not the other way around (and no, I don't know what they mean by that).
Originally posted by PonderableHm. You may well be right. If so, it doesn't say much about the contents, IMAO. Perhaps they expect that their customers don't know how to add water carefully. And perhaps they're right...
They mean don't try to pour the water over the water contents, since you will end up with a mess 🙂