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Global warming?

Global warming?


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It's all over the news here in Australia, mainly because were in the grips of the worst drought in history at the moment. Does it exist? Is it to blame for our crazy weather? or should i grab another beer, put the AC on and let nature take it's course.

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yes it exists, yes it's to blame for the crazy weather, yes you should grab another beer.

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We'll all know more when the IPCC realeases it's report sometimes in the spring of 2007. However, a part of it was shown in The Times and it looks bad. 3 degrees Celcious warmer by 2050.

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I just think all the seasons are just being delayed to a noticable amount...

In a few years they will be telling us here in Aust. that summer is in Feb instead of December...

The temps havent been as bad as last year yet! I say yet; but then wait till the end of Feb...

The enviroment has to keep on changing and it has done so since the begining of time... Its just happening in our life time and we are feeling it, by the time of the next two generations it will all seem normal...

All we can do is be good to the enviroment and be good to each other!

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Originally posted by nevalenko
It's all over the news here in Australia, mainly because were in the grips of the worst drought in history at the moment. Does it exist? Is it to blame for our crazy weather? or should i grab another beer, put the AC on and let nature take it's course.
Yup. It exists. Not sure if it is happening naturally, we're a major contributing factor or both of the above. Either way it is a real phenomenon, and it's effects are very noticeable.

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just have another beer and put the air con on ,global warming is bull
Michelle is totally right in what she says ,its just a natural cycle and we can only Honestly go on what has happened in the last 200 years ,we don't really know of temperatures before that.

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You can think and feel whatever you like. I'm waiting for science on this one.

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i will have another beer and the air con is blasting here.. its almost midnight but hell its so hot!!!

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Mmm. Beer.

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Originally posted by jimslyp69
Yup. It exists. Not sure if it is happening naturally, we're a major contributing factor or both of the above. Either way it is a real phenomenon, and it's effects are very noticeable.
we just had the warmest december ever, after the warmest summer ever, and there's green grass on my front yard. the bushes also have new growth, which means the average 24h temperature has been around +5 or higher for relatively long periods. long enough to fool the vegetation to believe it's spring, even if there's only maybe six hours of daylight.

normally it's around 15-20 below zero, with 30-50cm of snow.

and it's not an isolated incident. every year there seems to be more and more records broken. records that usually break every 50-100 years or so.

needless to say, but the sea has not frozen this year. it's not unheard of, but it's not normal either.

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I think it would be foolish to think industrialization has had no effect on the climate, or never will. A developing China and India will see whatever effect there is accelerated. I think it's important that humans understand and manage what effect climate has on us, or more so, what effect we have on it.

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Global warming is for the rich.

Some of us can not even afford proper food or living conditions, never mind worrying about global warming.

If this world goes to hell in a hand basket, it will not be because the poor folk did it, and when it does come tumbling down, I won't have far to fall because I already live in the gutter.

Thanks for listening 🙂

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Originally posted by Woodgie
Global warming is for the rich.

Some of us can not even afford proper food or living conditions, never mind worrying about global warming.

If this world goes to hell in a hand basket, it will not be because the poor folk did it, and when it does come tumbling down, I won't have far to fall because I already live in the gutter.

Thanks for listening 🙂
I think you better sit back and have a beer

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Originally posted by nevalenko
I think you better sit back and have a beer
If only 🙂

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alcohol tastes nasty, somebody told me that is because the first alcohol i ever had was vodka and that i had to get used to less amounts of alcohol first, but orange juice is better get a glass of that.

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