Thankyou. I see that you are object of persecutions by the gang of
losers as well. I agree with your theories that these jealous
chattfreaks get insulting because they cannot stand to see someone
do well and have a bit of fun. My "there can only be one" and "I am
the greatest" were merely meant as fun and games. I have lots of
tourn expereince and have fide rating but do not know if i am best
here or not, and donot care either. I just do a bit of joking and insult
nobody and find myself attacked by the bandits. I am losing at least
two of my games so im am not invicible. Colin Lamborton and
ReeleminReid will win there games with me unless they blunder. Good
to see you active in forums Stevens and kept playing!
ME or Baron?, If was me, as I told before Im too busy this time, and
if you review my games would notice that I lost all my games for time
out no matter the strengs of my oponent, in some of them I was
completely won, and lost. Now I really cant play more than 3 or for
games at time, because I like to find good moves in the board, and
spend too much time. I work in computer area and have to get some
cetifications which is why i have to study so hard.