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Guess the RHP member

Guess the RHP member


2 edits

Here is the quote, you guess who wrote it. If it is you please do not give it away. Once the quote is correctly identified a new one can be started. Make sure it was said to you.

My marriage is based on Christian principles as is my view on marriage. Your views on marriage seem about as un-Christian as one can be

Who is this holier than thou judgemental member of our community?

1 edit

@eladar said
Here is the quote, you guess who wrote it. If it is you please do not give it away. Once the quote is correctly identified a new one can be started. Make sure it was said to you.My marriage is based on Christian principles as is my view on marriage. Your views on marriage seem about as un-Christian as one can beWho is this holier than thou judgemental member of our community?
You should take this to the Spirituality Forum.

No, I don't think I am "holier than thou" in the slightest on account of the fact that I see my marriage as having been entered into and maintained based on Christian principles. That your attitude to marriage seems starkly un-Christian is a fact, I think, and one worthy of debate. But not on this forum.

I am not being "holier than thou" because I don't think Christians are "holier" than anyone else. I am an agnostic atheist. There is no "holy" and "Holier" and "holiest". Those are notions for Christians. And you are a Christian, or so you claim.

I really do think you should take your views on "holy" matrimony to the Spirituality Forum and explain how your Christian beliefs underpin them,

It would be interesting.



I said you can't spoil it for others.

Way to spoil the fun.


@eladar said

I said you can't spoil it for others.

Way to spoil the fun.
You should take this topic to Spirituality Forum where the subject matter belongs.


I am not sure what a guess who said it thread would be doing in the spirituality forum.


@eladar said
Here is the quote, you guess who wrote it. If it is you please do not give it away.
Thread 184548 page 5


@eladar said
I am not sure what a guess who said it thread would be doing in the spirituality forum.
A discussion of your religious beliefs and principles regarding marriage belongs on the Spirituality Forum. That's why I am inviting you to take it there.


@eladar said
I am not sure what a guess who said it thread would be doing in the spirituality forum.
If we did a Guess Who thread on the Spirituality Forum starting with a quote from you laying out your views on marriage, I think people would get it straight away. But it's a matter best discussed there rather than here.

1 edit

Dude start your own thread, quit trying to take over this thread.

You are a self centered, self righteous bully. You know...a bozo


@eladar said
You are a self centered, self righteous bully. You know...a bozo
I will leave the matter of whether or not you are simply projecting here to others. Meanwhile, if you'd like to explain the Christian underpinning of your views on marriage, the Spirituality Forum is the place to do it.


@eladar said
Dude start your own thread, quit trying to take over this thread.
Every post of mine on this thread so far has been on-topic.



Topic of the thread...

Here is the quote, you guess who wrote it. If it is you please do not give it away. Once the quote is correctly identified a new one can be started. Make sure it was said to you. 


@eladar said
My marriage is based on Christian principles as is my view on marriage. Your views on marriage seem about as un-Christian as one can be

Who is this holier than thou judgemental member of our community?
I posted the words you have reproduced above.

It's neither "holier than thou" nor "judgemental". It's an invitation to expound on how your religious views affect your views on marriage. But you should take it to the other forum.


@eladar said
Once the quote is correctly identified a new one can be started.
Go for it. This one has been correctly identified. Offer a new one.


new quote -


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