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Ich bin Huck πŸ˜›

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Originally posted by huckleberryhound
Ich bin Huck πŸ˜›
zu Tränen gelangweilt ?

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Originally posted by Zadadka
zu Tränen gelangweilt ?
Nope, you got me already...i'm just on my first lesson in trying to learn German over the internet



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Originally posted by huckleberryhound
Nope, you got me already...i'm just on my first lesson in trying to learn German over the internet


I was asking if you were bored to tears πŸ™‚

Ich Bin Zad.

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Originally posted by Zadadka
I was asking if you were bored to tears πŸ™‚

Ich Bin Zad.
Freut mich πŸ˜›

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Originally posted by Zadadka
I was asking if you were bored to tears πŸ™‚

Ich Bin Zad.
Germans don't get bored to tears, they get bored to death.

Langweilst du dich zu Tode?

Ich bin Nordlicht.

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Originally posted by Nordlys
Germans don't get bored to tears, they get bored to death.

Langweilst du dich zu Tode?

Ich bin Nordlicht.
Hallo, wie geht's ?

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Originally posted by huckleberryhound
Hallo, wie geht's ?
Hallo Heidelbeerenhund! Mir geht's gut, und dir?

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Originally posted by huckleberryhound
Ich bin Huck πŸ˜›
Mein Name ist Manfred, es freut mich, dass Du unsere Sprache lernst.

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Originally posted by Ponderable
Mein Name ist Manfred, es freut mich, dass Du unsere Sprache lernst.
Ah, noch jemand, der sich weigert, auf die neue Rechtschreibung umzusteigen? πŸ˜‰ (Edit: Wobei "dass" natürlich dagegen spricht.)

Translation: Ah, another person who refuses to switch to the new spelling rules? πŸ˜‰ (Edit: Although of course the "dass" suggests the opposite.)

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Ich hatte schon immer Probleme mit der Rechtschreibung πŸ™‚

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Originally posted by Nordlys
Hallo Heidelbeerenhund! Mir geht's gut, und dir?
Gut, danke πŸ™‚

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Originally posted by Ponderable
Ich hatte schon immer Probleme mit der Rechtschreibung πŸ™‚

Translation: I have always had problems with spelling. πŸ™‚
Och schade, ich dachte, es sei einfach altmodisch. Ich bin sogar noch altmodischer als die alte Rechtschreibung, ich schreibe "Telephon" und "Photographie". πŸ˜‰

Translation: Oh, that's a pity, I thought it was just old-fashioned. I am even more old-fashioned than the old spelling rules, I write "Telephon" and "Photographie". πŸ˜‰

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Originally posted by huckleberryhound
Nope, you got me already...i'm just on my first lesson in trying to learn German over the internet


das ist nicht so schlect! I have to learn it in schoolπŸ™

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Some english translation in your posts would be extremely helpful at this stage in the game. I wouldn't be able to reply, but i would be able to read your posts, and maybe pick up a word or two πŸ™‚

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